Always read the label …non BC related.

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Myself and my lovely wife popped into our local Waitrose to pick up a couple of bits. Now I’m great at buying way more than we need which leads to me over eating. So today I thought that is going to change. So we went to the meat counter and I picked up 2 small slices of liver. ( sorry veggies) £1.50ish and a couple of kidneys 60p. Fantastic I thought, I’ve got just enough and it’s a lot cheaper than buying a whole packet. Pleased with my purchase I thought I would treat the dog to two very thin slice of steak, and I mean thin… (this is where I should have read the label) gentleman sliced the steak wrapped it up and then told me. That’s £8.47!!!!! I was to embarrassed to asked him to put it back.. so the dogs eating like a king…I hope he likes it…

my mood has lifted thanks to you all.

thank you. Nigel