Day to day.

  • 13 replies
  • 89 subscribers

Good morning all,

After a chat with a mate of mine who is 5 years free, and a good nights sleep, I’ve woken up in a good mood. The wife has convinced me to take a few days off work - I’m a cab driver-

going to the loo is almost pain free and back pains have also almost gone, I think the stretching I did yesterday helped. while waiting for scan and then the next steps on my journey is it best I just keep going with my normal day day routine.. he like everyone on here (thank you for this) are saying to be positive, which I’m am being. 

so thank you all


  • Hi Nigel,

    Glad to hear you had a good night sleep and are in a good place. Great news about the back pain etc.

    Remember it's ok to have down days, but sounds like your chat with your friend helped.

    It's hard in the beginning, but sound's like you're in s good place already..

    Enjoy your days off, anything planned? 

    Take care.


  • Hi Trevor, 

    just walked the dog but started thinking as sorts, im an over thinker at the best of times and suffer with anxiety, I suppose this is to be expected. I keep clinging onto messages from this site and from friends and family. 

    hair cut and shave today.


  • Hi Nigel,I’m glad you slept well.I think most of us did too much thinking in the beginning.As Trevor said it’s ok to have down days I hope you are taking some encouragement from here and finding it helpful.Enjoy your days off.Love Jane 

  • Hi Nigel,

    Ditto on the anxiety issues so you're not alone.. 

    The brain does go into overdrive at time's. Thinking back to my diagnosis in 2022 it was hard to comprehend.

    Enjoy your days off and walking the dog sound's like an ideal thing to do.

    Keep us posted.

  • Hi

    Very difficult to block everything out, but trying to live to a normal routine helps. I've been clear for seven years and get my routine check up results next Thursday. I still get a certain amount of anxiety waiting for the results the day before.

    Now I'm assuming that for you it's still early days, but I find filling the time with activities like gardening  reading etc help. I also exercise regularly and meditate each day and find this very beneficial. If you feel good you can handle the stress a lot easier and you sleep easier. In addition, coming on here when you feel low also helps.

    Enjoy your time off and put some effort into enjoying yourself, even if it's vegging out in front of the TV

    It doesn't matter where you go, there you are
  • Thank you everyone, my amazing wife has taken me shopping and spoilt me rotten. Just had a nice butternut squash soup for lunch. We are gonna watch a film now.. I’ve been reading all your posts to her which is calming for her also. So from both of us…thank you x 


  • From one overthinker to another, enjoy your film and hug your lovely wife. Be kind to yourself Nigel. I do meditation and mindfulness like IANW , it has helped me no end to cope and deal with stressful situations. 
    Romcom or Actionthriller ?

    much love Angela

    Much love Angela x

  • Hi Angela, Action Thriller..

    I must admit I’m finding it hard to concentrate…


  • I can understand that Nigel totally. I think we are all like that when anxious about  the unknown. I use to go from positive to doom in a heartbeat when first diagnosed. Its a really tough time and you will get through it. 
    Now i am 11 months on , and off to the footy in about an hour. Love a cup game. Take care and try enjoy the film.

    much love Angela 

    Much love Angela x

  • Thanks Angela, 

    enjoy the footy., I had a little nap until the dog started licking my face… 
