Treatment of muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NICE)

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Extract: Treating muscle-invasive bladder cancer

Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for newly diagnosed muscle-invasive urothelial bladder cancer
  • Offer neoadjuvant chemotherapy using a cisplatin combination regimen before radical cystectomy or radical radiotherapy to people with newly diagnosed muscle‑invasive urothelial bladder cancer for whom cisplatin‑based chemotherapy is suitable. Ensure that they have an opportunity to discuss the risks and benefits with an oncologist who treats bladder cancer.

Radical therapy for muscle-invasive urothelial bladder cancer
  • Offer a choice of radical cystectomy or radiotherapy with a radiosensitiser to people with muscle‑invasive urothelial bladder cancer for whom radical therapy is suitable. Ensure that the choice is based on a full discussion between the person and a urologist who performs radical cystectomy, a clinical oncologist and a clinical nurse specialist. Include in the discussion:

    • the prognosis with or without treatment

    • the limited evidence about whether surgery or radiotherapy with a radiosensitiser is the most effective cancer treatment

    • the benefits and risks of surgery and radiotherapy with a radiosensitiser, including the impact on sexual and bowel function and the risk of death as a result of the treatment.