
  • 12 replies
  • 80 subscribers

Good afternoon and thank you for letting me join, 

I'm new to this forum, and looking for advice.

I'm 3year post HNC , now worried as I have been passing blood and being sent for a cystoscopy, 

  • Hi 

    Welcome to the group. You can be passing blood in your urine for a number of reasons and not necessarily cancer.  However, finding blood can be worrying, but hopefully the cystocopy will be the heart of the matter. Please be aware that if it is bladder cancer the likelihood is that it's treatable. You will find plenty of support on this group, so don't be  a stranger, or afraid to ask questions, no matter how "silly" they may seem.

    It doesn't matter where you go, there you are
  • Thank you, I know there are many reasons, but so far they have ruled out , UTI, kidney stones and vitamin deficiency, so you alway fear the worse, when I was 1st diagnosed with  tonsil cancer I never even gave it a thought I would be nothing but a lump. 

    I was very thankful for the support received from groups tike this x 

  • Hi Tiza72,Welcome to this friendly supportive group.I hope you find it helpful.Jane 

  • Hi

    Yes the early stages are the worse because you don't know what is going on, but hopefully once you've had the procedure things will be a little clearer. Fingers crossed.

    It doesn't matter where you go, there you are
  • So results day ,,....... Diagnosed with bladder cancer stage not known yet.

    Mix of emotions, thankful it's treatable anxious about the whole procedure and chemo, I didn't react well last time Pensive

  • Hi Tiza72,

    Sorry to hear that. I'm far from from being knowledgeable about these things but I was diagnosed in December last year and haven't had to have Chemo. I start BCG course on Tuesday, which is less evasive than Chemo I hear.

    I was also very anxious and still am, but I've had two TURBT operations since and all went well. 

    Obviously each and every person will be different, but I just wanted to wish you the best of luck.

    Take care.


  • Sorry to hear your news. You've mentioned chemo, but hard that come from your Medical Team?

    It doesn't matter where you go, there you are
  • BC seems a bit different from many other cancers in types of treatment. Your next step will be a TURBT - day surgery under GA to remove the tumour. The biopsy will give stage & grade which will determine what treatment is most appropriate. Many people don't have full body chemo. Best wishes.

  • I had three rounds prior to surgery, but it really depends on the stage and treatment.

    It doesn't matter where you go, there you are
  • Hi, 

    Dr said that when doing the TURBT, he will put in chemo at he same time as a precaution.

