Noswaith ddd

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Hello Angela, how did your mini break in Anglesey go? Or are you still there? Hope you enjoyed/ are enjoying. Garviv

  • Hi Garviv, Noswaith dda to you too.

    We got back at tea time and I feel sad that it wasnt longer. we stayed at menai village but spent most of our time at Lligwy beach on the east coast. just lovely. We popped over to Rhosneiger to watch the footy yesterday( I was only man city fan in a pub of arsenal fans haha, you can imagine the joy at me jumping up when we scored to equalise lol ).

    It was lovely, somewhere I would like to move to tbh. 

    How are you keeping ? I notice one of your PNE lads is a vampire haha. If its good enough for Suarez !! 

    Much love Angela x

  • Morning Angela, so pleased you had a nice few days in Anglesey.  I can remember a time when you couldn’t get a drink in some parts of Wales on a Sunday. Good result in the end.A nice break is always welcome between treatments. We have booked 10 nights away in Antalya, Turkey before my next BCG Instillations 5th November. Looking forward to some Autumn sunshine.
    Osmajic is a disgrace and reminds me so much of Mitrovic who played for Fulham. Big, strong and angry all the time. If they only knew what we have had to endure! Off to golf now. Garviv

  • oh a wonderful turkish holiday. it will be wonderful. the warmth of the sun on your face , good food and company. Perfect pre BCG treat. Have a fab time.

    Enjoy the golf, no rain here today, hope its the same for you Garviv

    Much love Angela x

  •  Thanks Angela , I hope it will be a Turkish Delight! No rain, sunny spells. Garviv

  • i just got word that my 3 bcg’s start again next week , so glad i took a short break x

    Much love Angela x

  • Hi Angela. Something to look forward to. I hope it all goes smoothly for you. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • need to add a smiling icon to the forum Rily lol !

    Thanks , I hope its much the same as the last 3 then i will cope ok . Hope you are keeping well. Is it that time of year for you yet ?

    Much love Angela x

  • Hi Angela

    Hope your next round of BCG goes well for you with few side effects Fingers crossed.

    My maintenance BCG starts next Monday, the day after my Birthday Birthdaywhat a lovely present Gift Back to the "Monday Morning Pants Off Club" Laughing     I still don't have the results of my last biopsies, just hoping that they are available on Monday.

    Sending love to all, Ade xx Heart️ 

  • Hi Ade, we can be “pants off club”together for the next 3 weeks . Fingers crossed all will go well and you get clear biopsy results too. 

    Very Happy Birthday for sunday, I hope having the BCG monday isnt going to interfere with your celebrations . best wishes to you

    Much love Angela x

  • Thank you Angela. I'm hoping to get the family together for a celebration on Saturday or Sunday whichever is better for all. I don't really care and I get a Birthday weekend Heart eyes. I think I'll go carefully with the vino thoughWine glass.

    As for "Pants Off club" it's a strange club to belong to Flushed but you just have to laugh and get on with it.

    Love Ade xx