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A bit of light relief while we are on this cancer journey, evoking memories, joys , passion and funny stories.  Its all here from prog rock, to punk rock and everything in between. Hope you book mark it and join in. Music can be a huge comfort in times of distress . It can also make you dance around the kitchen when no one is watching !  Add your stories. Recently chatted about Mr Halofan attending a YES concert, and it was really uplifting.

  • I absolutely adore YES Jon Anderson’s voice is something else I grew up listening to them my Dad was a massive fan even my sons like them all I listen to is prog rock it’s from a time when music was music 

  • Mr Halofan is still beaming from the concert the other night. He even got chatting about Gong. Said he finds the whole canterbury scene a bit whimsical for his liking. Tbh that went way about my head , but I am sure you prog rock aficionados will understand. 

    Much love Angela x

  • My first gig at the age of 15 was to see Elvis Costello ! multi talented guy and still going strong i believe. I met Mr Halofan dancing to the Waterboys Whole of the Moon , such a long time ago now but it brings back wonderful memories. Mainly I liked being younger hahaha

    Much love Angela x

  • The whole of the moon is a great song and what a great memory it’s great when a certain song connects to a good memory and that’s the case for us all 

  • This story highlights the society we thought we lived in was wild and exciting but in reality was different. In the early 1970’s Mrs Garviv and I along with her sister went to Blackpool Opera House to see the Who in concert. I can still see Roger Daltrey swinging his microphone around his head and Keith Moon throwing his drum sticks in the air and catching them. Wonderful, rock music. After the concert we drove through Blackpool illuminations in a rag top Morris 1000 car and stopped for chips on the way home. No drugs or alcohol but still a wild night out. My Generation….  Garviv

  • Absolutely marvellous story Garviv, It was all about the music. I got free tickets to see the who in the early 80’s and had to forego because I cam down with shingles !! Really annoying. I was an avid gig goer in my youth , really eclectic mix . Nothing quite like live music. I now go to the rewind festivals , a great day out

    Much love Angela x

  • Hi Angela,

    Great to hear that Mr Halofan had a great time at the concert.

    Gosh, my first concert was Genesis at Wembley stadium when I was around 15. Went with 3 friends, so had an amazing adventure around London and then onto the concert.. No mobile phone's back then of course, so hopefully my parents didn't worry too much. Although they were probably used to me being out back in those days.

    I listen to all sorts of music, but I do like a bit of heavy metal/rock so most of my gigs were around that genre. 

    My favourite gig (not everyone's cup of tea) was Iron Maiden tour of 1988. Incredible to think they are still touring the world 35+ year's later.

    My last gig was in January this year, a band called British Lion. Although I don't really get to many gigs due to the old anxiety etc, although I've lost count how many gigs I have been to in my life.

    You're also so right about music helping. I listen to Planet Rock daily and have it on whilst doing the 2 hour's of BCG to help pass the time.

    This is going to make me sound like a grumpy git (ok I am a bit) but I'm so pleased the concerts I went to were not flooded with everyone on their mobile phones. We were just living in the moment.

    Great times. Rock Bands, motorbikes and beer. Would love to go back, even for just a weekend.


  • Bad luck re shingles. Reminds me to book my shingles booster when I complete BCG Course next week. Best gig ever: Led Zeppelin or Paul McCartney Garviv

  • My first gig was the Beatles in the early 60s, first at East Ham and then a year later at the Finsbury Park Astoria. I was a young teenager, the theatres were full of screaming girls and it was beyond exciting!  But my favourite adult gig was Ike and Tina Turner when I was a student teacher. My word that woman knew how to lift a crowd, she was a ball of dynamic energy. Always missed, the wonderful Tina. xx

  • Jon Andersonj's vocals and Chris Squires skilful masonry damaging bass. Although as an album I marginally prefer the yes albulm, Heart of the sunrise from Fragile is my #1 Yes track.