CT scan

  • 65 replies
  • 54 subscribers

Hi all,Feeling a bit of scanxiety as I’m having a CT scan on Tuesday.If it’s clear the next scan will be in a years time.Love Jane x

  • Hi Jane

    Oh, the anxiety is awful, isn’t it? Really hope everything is clear and no need to think about it for another year. I am a blubbering wreck going for scans-I had 3 last year and really got myself in a right state! All the best.

    Sarah xx

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  • Hi Winkers60,

    Hope all goes well on Tuesday. Hang in there. Is this a routine scan? Fingers crossed, you'll be ok.  Ive got one booked for feb 26th. Mine is to check if anything has spread. Im waiting radical cystectomy, but delayed as kidney function is impaired by another bladder tumour blocking the uretas. Ive got 2  nephrostomies at the  moment so the kidneys can drain.

    Good luck and best wishes

    Deb x

    Its good to talk

  • Thanks Deb,This is a scan to check that I’m still cancer free following cystectomy.I was about to go onto yearly scans when they found both kidneys were swollen.Urologist said it was a post op complication.The last scan was ok.Best wishes for yours.Love Jane x

  • Hi Jane,  

    Best of luck for Tuesday, 

    "Scanxiety" made me smile, not because of the anxiety of course, but because of the play on words. 


  • Hi Jane, it's that moment we all dread every time eh? Fingers crossed for you. Keep us posted Hxx

  • Thanks Trevor,I’d never heard of scanxiety until I joined Macmillan but it’s used on a lot of the boards.Jane x

  • Thanks H,It doesn’t seem to get any easier.I’m fine until a few days before and then I get a bit anxious.Jane x

  • My 6 month cystoscopy was due in November, but the Booking Team contacted me to say they were running 3 months late. So I'm thinking it'll be March. Surprisingly the delay hasn't worried me a bit, just pushed it to the back of my mind. But wait till a week before the test is booked and I'll be jittering about like a good :un. Only 3 days to go for you, though then it'll be the wait for results. You know my distraction strategy...."let them eat cake". x

  • I’m keeping distracted by getting the house ready for the next viewer on Tuesday.X