RC 6 months post op

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  • 54 subscribers

Hi All,

I am now 6 months post op after having an illeal conduit stoma n bag,

Thought I’d share my experiences, I had blood in my urine one day at work in Sept 2020, went to A n E that same day to investigate as it freaked me out.(so glad I did)

Had a camera down in Oct and discovered a horrible growth in bladder, followed by small op in Nov time (turbt biopsy scraping )

was told in Dec 20 that I had bladder cancer and couldn’t have chemo or radio and that it needed removing ASAP 

Of course covid had already hit us and hospitals were over run, had my op cancelled once in Jan / feb time and had my RC done on 19th March 

I was in hospital for 10 days, first few days were rough on morphine, with sickness itching, the next few days I improved slightly eating little n often, numerous trips to loo per day (was told not to take too much clothing etc into hospital, but could of done with more clean underwear once bowels started to work) One guy on my ward had a massive suitcase. Each day started to feel slightly better showering, eating and walking on the ward, I was managing to change my bag myself after a couple of days (Stoma nurses were brilliant) I was tired a lot for first couple of weeks and mostly spent time in bed (wife looked after me, took some time off work to help with food bathing etc) After 2-3 weeks I was moving around and doing basic things around the house, I spent a fair bit of time out in the garden during May/ June/ drinking the odd pint or 6, I returned to work In July on light duties, They soon ran out of bulbs and have me back doing normal duties. I carry what supplies  I need around and have several locations where I keep stock, car, work etc I am more or less back to doing what I did before and doing well. I No that I don’t know but just wanted to share some of my experiences x