Post OP RC

  • 19 replies
  • 54 subscribers

Hello my friends, well I have successfully made it through the op, and spent 3 days in ICU due to low blood pressure and anaemia, I had to have a blood transfusion, then i was transferred to ward I have an ileal conduit.

Was give strong medication after epidual was removed. Stayed in hospital 8 days but bowels was very sluggish and eventually had to have movical laxative given to start me off after 12 days it was very uncomfortable.

It will be three weeks on Wednesday since I had the OP but getting a bit stronger each day and my clips in my stomach have been removed. I am managing my stoma fairly well, but its very strange feeling, but I bought loose fitting leggings and slightly larger tops online to make it comfortable for me when I am dressed.

I have good support from family, but I am not doing any chores, family do that and my appetite is starting to improve, not been outside yet, but dont want to rush things and cause any damage.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask

Amelia 55