How do the local Mac Nurses help?

  • 2 replies
  • 48 subscribers

I had the local Mac nurse contact me & my GP also introduced me to her.

I wondered what do the Mac Nurses do? WHen should I contact them, or not?

  • Not sure about Mac nurses but I have a Clinical Nurse Specialist who has been a huge source of info and an emotional support. I can phone her any day Mon - Fri in working hours and if not available she will always get back to me. Mine is magic so hope your's is too. 

  • My Clinical Nurse Specialists are "Macmillan" nurses. They told me that they are employed and paid by the NHS but sponsored by Macmillan; this gives them access to Macmillan training. As Herothedog says, they are available  M-F in working hours and will get back to you when they can. They will give information and be supportive about our anxieties. There are also nurses (as opposed to information givers) available on the Macmillan telephone line, who can give more detailed information and have more time to offer support.