Latest Flex Clear(ish) and now almost 1 year since diagnosis

  • 4 replies
  • 50 subscribers

Hi All,

Not posted for a while but wanted to give an update on latest.

3 monthly Flexi performed and all OK - there was a small red patch but they were confident it was OK and nothing to be concerned about.  Surprisingly I'm not concerned about it - have a lot of trust in the team looking after me, having said that I know I'm just a little disappointed and reckon the lead up to the next flexi will be a bit more of a thing.

Apart from that I've been doing well and getting back to normal.  The easing of lockdowns has allowed me to meet up with some of my friends and have a real chat about things - so much better in person that a Skype or tel call.

Best wishes to you all and a thank you for all the support you provide to us.