TURBT done but now have shadowing on my liver

  • 2 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Hi all,

Had my TURBT done on Tuesday. All was okay. They had to put a stent in my kidney tube as the tumour had grown round the tube. Thankfully not up it though so that's something positive.

The consultant told me that the CT urogram had also picked up some shadowing on my liver so now have to have an MRI to see what's going on there and a chest CT scan. I know they're being very thorough but I am so so scared.

Has anyone else has this?? xxxx

  • Hi . Good to know you have had your TURBT ok. The chest scan is routine just to check nothing else is going on. The MRI gives them a more detailed picture of the abdomen. I  did not have any liver problems, so cant offer any advice, but it looks as if they are taking good care of you. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Hi Sara O, these CT scans and MRI are given as a regular thing for BC patients, possibly all cancer patients. Generally every two years. We all feel nervous when we have them but so far mine haven't shown any thing to worry about. I had a CT scan of my kidneys yesterday so my fingers are crossed but I know if there is any cancer there I'd rather they knew and were able to treat. Glad the TURBT went ok. Great feeling when the blighter is cleared away. xxx