Had my consultant appt

  • 11 replies
  • 76 subscribers

Hi all 

Had my consultant appt yesterday, good news and bad really , my staging for the cancer is more a T3 than  T4  and when they do the op the consultant said he will take uterus, felopian tubes, lymph nodes, bit of bladder and some section of vagina.

That was a lot I did ask did he want my shoes as well ??

He reiterated again it was a life threatening operation and recovery is slow. He did say that if the cancer has touched the urethra then it has gone terminal , it's shocking to hear but he has to tell me everything, I'm trying to be rational about it. He said he wanted another CT scan and another cyscosopy under general and a fitness test but otherwise all systems go for the op , and I'm ready whatever needs to be done I'm ok with and I will learn to cope .

I didn't feel like I could ask this , for many reasons really , 1 I had my partner with me , 2 I'm quite reserved person 3 my consultant was a man 4 I felt like with all I'd been told in that meeting my question was this and 5 I kind of wanted to speak to someone who had been there and done that, sort of thing, and a woman .

That said my question was ..with him taking some of my vagina away ..what does that mean for my sex life? My partner, will I feel things differently?, I'm embarrassed writing this but feel only you guys who know , can tell me the reality.  Thank you in advance for any answers and hope I haven't embarrassed or offended anyone xx

  • Absolutely fine to ask here. Right at the end of my long meeting (about the op) with my male consultant, I found the nerve to ask if genital sensation would be the same & he replied he hadn't had any complaints! 

    It is standard to take all the adjacent female organs, as they are so closely attached. They do try, when feasible, to leave reproductive system in young women, so they can still have children. I was quite glad to get rid of them - no worries about cancer popping up there, no more cervical smears. 

    Some people do have a lot of vaginal discharge at first post op, but I didn't. Probably be a while before you feel much like sex anyway. Tissue seems a bit more solid & vagina a bit shorter, so intercourse might feel different, but orgasm still achievable. Hope that reassures.

  • Hi,It’s an important question.All I was told is that sex can be painful after this surgery.You will feel different internally as the vagina is shorter and it feels narrower inside.I haven’t had a sex life for some years for a number of reasons.My partner is disabled and his health has been so bad recently but we would like to get back to a sexual relationship.Teasswill has mentioned vaginal discharge and I had a lot post op plus bleeding but you may be lucky and not have it.Love Jane x

  • Thank you I will take it on board so grateful for the input 

  • Thank you was embarrassed but I know now from people who know so thank you xx

  • Hi  

    I had a different surgery, but nonetheless very major, and my details are on my profile if you click on my name. I’m not able to comment about sex will feel afterwards for you as I had my whole vagina removed, so can’t ever have sex again, but I can say that a major surgery does exhaust you completely and takes time to recover from. But it’s very possible! 

    I was also embarrassed to ask questions, so you’re not alone in that-you wont have embarrassed or offended anyone here, as everyone’s used to discussions like this so don’t worry. I hope replies from the other ladies have helped to reassure you.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Really thank you xx

  • I had my sister with me at the surgeons appointment and felt a bit embarrassed.This is why this group is important as no one minds what is discussed.Jane x

  • Hi Sarah

    I have just read your profile OMG, what you have gone through

    You must be a massive inspiration to so many Woman, you have all my admiration 

    Much love Tina X

  • Aww..thank you so much it’s very kind of you to say that, and I appreciate this SO much. I’ve had loads go on since then but the main thing is that I’m still here!

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I'm so sorry to hear you got some pretty awful news, and have to undergo such a major operation. But don't give up and do what needs to be done and keep on fighting. 

    Not sure what else to say really but I'm sure everyone here wishes for the best outcome for you and people are always here for advice or just support. 


    My name is Simon. But Si is also fine, in fact you can call me anything you like it’s only a name after all Joy

    Much love and hope to everyone past future and present. 

    I also hate autocorrect and hope people can make sense out of my posts when it changes half the words I type.