Caught a bad cold in between no2 and no3 of BCG maintenance course

  • 3 replies
  • 68 subscribers

Just started my maintenance course following my 6 week induction course. Am now due to have my 3rd of 3 BCG treatments in a few days time. However I have caught a bad cold so do not think they will continue with my third treatment.

Does anybody know if I can have a break until my cold clears then have treatment no 3 - or will I have to start the maintenance course all over again?

Any advise appreciated


  • Hi Finnair, Yes you can miss a week between treatments if you are unwell I have missed a couple one due to the hospital not running a clinic as it was the Easter weekend and the other due to UTI . Best wishes. Lynn x

  • Hi Finnair, I have missed a week due to illness and they just added it on at the end. If you click on my profile i have recorded my experience so far regarding all treatment  and the side effects I have had, we are all individual of course and have different experiences. Hope you are feeling better soon

    Much love Angela x

  • I missed one due to a holiday and the office being closed that day. As has someone has said, that one was simply added to the back end of my cycle. Was no problem.