Light pink urine 5 weeks after last BCG

  • 5 replies
  • 66 subscribers

I'm five weeks out from last BCG (No. 6 of 6 in the induction course). Just got back from a short walk -- about 20 minutes at a shopping mall -- and light pink urine. That's the first visible blood in weeks, so I'm a bit bummed out.
Ah, well, my next cystoscopy is this Friday, the 24th, so I'll guess I'll know something then one way or the other.
Fingers crossed.

  • Hi Mark,

    Must be frustrating and scary to see traces of blood in your wee. Especially after so many weeks.

    I've not had this myself, but I do still get traces in my wee that aren't visible but are picked up on tests.

    BCG puts quite a strain on the bladder etc 

    It's good to know you have your cystoscopy soon, so will hopefully get some reassurance then.

    Wishing you the best.


  • It is indeed odd having a cystoscopy coming up. It's a like mixed drink of 50 percent optimism and 50 percent fear!
    Still, a person wants and needs some answers, IMO, so I'm sort of looking forward to getting the info.

  • Know what you mean, I had my last biopsy on 10th Jan, and get my results on 27th. Had quite a few now over the last couple of years and its now part and parcel of my life ATM lol. It's weird what you get used to.

    I wish you all the best for Friday..


  • Good luck Mark when you have your cystoscopy. Garviv

  • Hi Mark,Best wishes for Friday.Love Jane x