Side effects of BCG treatment

  • 7 replies
  • 69 subscribers


my husband is going through BCG treatment and has developed a cough. He’s going to report it to the medical team but can I ask if he has a BCG infection, is he contagious and could I or others be affected?

and will his treatment have to stop?


  • I think you should not jump straight to the conclusion that your husband has been affected by the BCG treatment in this way. It is much more likely to be one of the many winter viruses circulating at this time if year. You are doing the right thing in informing your medical team though, and you should make a note of the symptoms to pass onto them including temperature etc to assist them. 

  • Hi tby,

    Welcome to the forums and hope you are well.I've not heard of any BCG side effects being contagious. Of course you need to be careful after the BCG with the bleaching etc, but as Leo said  it's probably more likely he has picked up bug.

    Hope the medical team can give you some more conclusive answers soonest.

    Wishing you all the best.


  • I'm 2 weeks into BCG and I've a sore throat & cough most mornings, my medical team said that was likely down to the BCG as I'm also having some days of no energy which are new as well. Nothing unexpected though and they are continuing on the treatment. 

  • Thank you. We do have two bathrooms fortunately so I can use the other one.  
    We saw the doctor who reassured us his chest was clear and not to worry. That was reassuring. 

  • Thank you. We’ve been reassured now - we were concerned because he started treatment some time ago but kept getting urine infections so the treatment had to stop after only one session. He’s now been able to resume and we just didn’t want him to have to stop again. Hope your treatment continues to go well for you. 

  • Hi Tby, 

    Great to hear you got reassurance from your doctor.

    Hope his BCG continues without any more issues.

    Take care.
