BCG Preventative Treatment

  • 11 replies
  • 71 subscribers

Hi everyone,

Just looking to see if anyone has had an issues in retaining the BCG Chemotherapy treatment that is given as a preventative for low grade Bladder Cancer?

Long story short, my Dad recently had cancer cells removed for Stage 1 Bladder Cancer that was non-invasive and had not spread to any muscle and remained incitu (thankfully).  However, having tried to undergo the BCG Chemotheraphy for preventative purposes, he was not able to retain this.  The first attempt, the treatment just flower straight out from the catheter and the second attempt, his bladder just rejected it and went into spasm - the consultant administering the treatment was not able to close off the catheter in time so as to prevent it leaving and again it was lost.  

Am just looking to see if anyone else has had the same experience when having the BCG treatment as a preventative measure and what options they tried as an alternative? Is there anything tablet form or is treatment only via catheter directly into the bladder?

Thanks so much!

Appreciate any experiences or information you can share so we can hopefully try and find a way forward as this is literally the final piece of the puzzle for my Dad!!