Question for veterans of BCG

  • 3 replies
  • 66 subscribers

Veterans of BCG:
Slight traces of blood -- mild discoloration, little flecks of clot -- in my urine one full week after my BCG install No. 6. Nothing scary, but there's obviously a bit of bleeding still going on. Still a bit sore in the area of the bladder, too.Kind of reminds of the week after install No. 5.
You think that's unusual? Or more likely a person does have to give it a few weeks for things to settle down in there?
Just curious.

  • You certainly will need a number of weeks in reaction to the BCG. My most common persistent symptoms were urgency, extreme fatigue, and prostate and urethral pain/discomfort which extended to the glans. I really didn’t feel almost normal for almost three months when I was scheduled for the next treatment. There has since been much improvement and my treatments are now every six months. 

  • Thank you for sharing.
    I think I got a little spoiled, as my first few were almost non-events after the first night, and certainly after the first solid week.
    These last two were a bit more attention-grabbing, with the after-effects lingering more markedly.
    It's so good to have a place like this to check in with others who have been down these roads.
    Thanks, again!

  • My experience through the first six treatments was not very different from yours.