Chemo starting January

  • 9 replies
  • 67 subscribers

Hi all

Been a while since I posted anything. Had initial TURBT on 4th October and then a second TURBT on 4th November. Diagnosis was stage 2 and there was some residual tumour at second TURBT. I have initial appointment with the oncologist on 3rd January to be followed by three cycles of chemotherapy, and then possible cystectomy in spring. I just want to get the chemo started but do feel a bit glad I can enjoy Christmas first! From what I gather I am not a candidate for neobladder so in some ways that makes things easier, no decision to make on what is the best option. Glad of all the comments on here with people sharing their experience of urostomy as this gives confidence that learning to live a new way isn't as scary as it first seems. I first had symptoms in July and it has been a bit of a whirl at times, but if all goes to plan I will hopefully be clear in less than a year from diagnosis. My grandchildren are 7 & 4 and I look forward to being at their weddings!

  • Hi again  . Good to know you have your chemo planned for the New Year and so it should not upset the holiday plans. I had six sessions of it and tolerated it well. Good luck with it all. Enjoy Christmas with the grandchildren. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Sending positive thoughts and hugs xx

  • Morning Deacon, enjoy Christmas and take some positive thoughts into your chemotherapy sessions. I had chemotherapy and chemo radiotherapy with no issues. You hopefully can look forward to many more happy times with your grandchildren. Keep well Garviv

  • Hi Deacon P,

    Good luck with the Chemotherapy. I had mine in Autumn/ Winter 2022 and the bladder removed in January 2023. Just completing my 2 years of quarterly follow-up scans and reviews and hoping to go to half-yearly after that.

    I learnt not to take all of the anti-sickness pills they give following Chemo as they can give you constipation (and I never was sick). My hair thinned a bit but I still had good coverage (it's all back ) and stoma bags work fine once you learn the tricks.

    All the best,


  • I am about to have 3 tumours removed from the bladder .wondering if they start chemo on this TURBT procedure straight away .   Can you offer some advice from your experience .?

  • Do they begin chemo  once tumours are removed during a TURBT procedure .

    I am due to have  the  TURBT  in January ?

  • Hi  and welcome to the group. You usually have a one off chemo wash with Mitomycin at the time of the TURBT. This is just to mop up any rogue cells floating around. Further treatment then depends on the outcome of the biopsies they take. There are various routes to go down after a TURBT, chemo being just one option. Best wishes

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Thank you .very helpful . 

     have been given no information apart from knowing i have 3 tumours and they will be removed .

    can i request cold cap therapy from West Middlesex Hospital?

    Can i request to have the chemo in a London  hospital .?

  • Hi  . Chemo is not the usual treatment for bladder cancer. If you do end up having chemo, then it is not the type where you would need a cold cap.

    Could I suggest you start a new thread of your own  where we could help you through things. Just give a bit of background on where you are up to. From the main bladder cancer page, click on "Create a New Post" at the top of the page. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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