Blood out of nowhere; very frustrating

  • 7 replies
  • 70 subscribers

Kind of another post about anxiety, but bear with me if you will.
Last BCG (No. 4 of 6) was Nov. 22. No BCG appointment on Nov. 29, as lab was closed for Thanksgiving holiday.
So, basically, it's been 10 or 11 days with no treatment. And no visible blood in the urine, either ... until today. Just took a bright pink pee.
I absolutely hate that.
Have had some left kidney pain and feeling of slight pain or pressure in left part of scrotum past couple of days, and those two symptoms and the blood in urine are very reminiscent of my symptoms before I had the two TURBTS and started BCG.
Intellectually, I know that these things don't necessarily mean the cancer is back, but it's hard to keep it out of your mind. Heck, it could be something as simple as kidney stones. But you have a week or 10 days of no signs of it ... and boom, reminders of cancer or cancer possibilities.
I tend to get anxious and "awfulize," I know, but sometimes I just hate this stuff.
Again, I know there's not much to do but show up for my next BCG appointment, submit my urine sample and see what they say ... but dang. Next cystoscopy is sched for Jan. 24.
Physically, other than what I've mentioned, I feel fine.  I think the waiting and the uncertainty are the worst when you're diagnosed HGT1.
Thanks for letting me vent!

  • Hi MarkinUS welcome to the forum. It's OK to vent and glad you felt able to do this it's not easy when new symptoms arise. Hope it feels slightly better to have vented and gotten this off your chest . Best wishes for now. 


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  • Hi Mark 

    Happy belated Thanksgiving, hope you had a great time.

    Sorry to hear about your issues, I can't offer any real advice, but blood in the wee can be a side effect.of BCG I believe. BCG can cause inflammation of the bladder etc.

    Vent away, I think we all worry when we get some issues... Got a headache... Is it cancer, stubbed your toe.. is it cancer.. 

    Hope you get some answers soonest.


  • Hi Mark,Sorry to hear you have had bleeding again.I hope it’s something simple that can be sorted.Best wishes Jane xx

  • Venting is a useful mental safety valve. No justification is needed when ploughing through this damned cancer obstacle course. I quite often get similar pains and soreness with or without the demoralising pink pee. Drinking lots of water usually helps, as does the occasional ibuprofen to subdue the pains. I generally try to distract myself by listening to music or even a decent comedian on you tube when I'm getting too focused on symptoms. Best wishes,


  • Thanks, Ray.
    It is almost ridiculous how a pink pee can bum a guy out. You're cruising along, get in a good 9 or 10 days of minimal symptoms, and you look down and ...
    Ah, well ... good call re music and comedy. I'll get into that this evening.

  • Hi MarkinUS, I agree with you, it is very easy to think that every pain or symptom we have is the cancer returning. BCG does cause inflammation of the Bladder but if the pink pee continues it may be worth dropping a urine sample into your urologist to check for an infection, especially as your next BCG isn't until late January.

    Love Ade xx

  • Hi Markinus, Good advice from Ade. Hope it all settles down . Best wishes x

    Much love Angela x