BCG treatment

  • 27 replies
  • 70 subscribers

My husband has just had his second treatment.  He’s fine, but the problem is, we have a septic tank and there’s an awful lot of bleach gone down the loo as instructed - but we’re not supposed to use bleach.  The nurses didn’t have an alternative - can anyone here help please?  I don’t think we can be putting bleach down on a regular basis.  Thank you.

  • I was just wondering how long bleach is active if you see what i mean. does it stay as sodium hypochlorite for a long time ?

    Much love Angela x

  • Afraid I'm not enough of a chemist to answer properly. But it would depend partly on temperature. The colder the liquid is that the bleach is in, the longer it will take to degrade in any way. 

    By the way, everyone should be aware that breathing the fumes of chlorine bleach even as little as a regular once a week normal toilet clean, raises by one-third the risk of developing COPD later on. That's how body-unfriendly it is. So for goodness sake anyone, if you can't avoid using it be sure to open the window, put the bathroom fan on if you have one, shut the toilet lid and bathroom door, and retire swiftly as soon as you have put it down the loo.

    Best, Denby

  • Hi Denby, I have always hated the stuff and having to use it for BCG was a hard pill to swallow at first but sadly necessary . I do hope Rosie gets some answers , it must be quite worrying if bleach is the only option

    Much love Angela x

  • I wish NHs would think a little more outside the box. Our son in law occasionally has to do a 24 hour urine collection to monitor his extremely rare genetic disorder [Wilson's disease] and I've done them as part of a metabolic bone centre study checking calcium levels. Other sterilisation methods include the use of ultra-violet, and heat. So why couldn't the hospital just allow patients who need this, to return the BCG-contaminated urine in suitable containers and deal with it along with all their onsite clinical waste???

  • That’s the best idea I’ve heard yet, thank you.  I will pass that on (but am not holding my breath!!!)

  • that is a really good idea Denby. I have never used bleach until i got BCG , It is not something that i will ever be comfortable using .

    Much love Angela x

  • Playing devils advocate, they would probably say risk of contamination and be unlikely to back such an idea.

  • I very much doubt that any agent that kills the BCG is going to be good for the septic tank.

    I can think of three options for you : 

    (1) hang around at the hospital for 2hrs and use their loos
    (2) Decant the wee+bleach in the bucket into a old plastic milk container and then take to public loo
    (3) As (2) but empty into the storm drain in your street 

  • Thank you very much for thinking about us, much appreciated.  We’ll certainly ask them about option 2.  It has to be for 6 hours following procedure and the hospital is already an hour’s drive each way.  The unit closes after the current 2 hours anyway.   The storm drains in our area go into the nearby river - I think it might be dangerous and we might be prosecuted for contaminating the river!  We do appreciate the suggestions and have requested a microbiologist’s view on alternatives which would be safe for septic tanks.

  • Hi Rosie , there is a lady on this forum with the tag name Odin. She has a septic tank and she is happy to share what she does. I will try and tag her in , but i am not good with this stuff . 


    Much love Angela x