BCG advice please

  • 5 replies
  • 65 subscribers

Hi there hope you’re all ok? Advice please… Dad has just had his 9th BCG on Tuesday. This one he says the pain is unreal with  constant weeing afterwards and, burning pain. could this be cystitis or maybe an infection? What would you suggest would be the best thing to do as waiting till Monday seems a long time when he’s in so much discomfort. Advise any drinks to help with it perhaps or should he just stick with water? Many thanks Tracee xx 

  • Hi TiggeeWigger,

    Sorry to hear you're father is having issues with BCG. 

    My discomfort after BCG usually reduces after 24 hours and that is hard going so really feel for your dad. Although I do still have urgency and wake about once during the night ( no real pain though), but sounds like your dad is really suffering.

    I find drinking lot's of water does help, I know it will mean weeing more but the urine will be more concentrated if dehydrated if that makes sense.

    Also people recommend drinking Robinson's Barley Lemon water. 

    I also take paracetamol.

    Your dad should have a cancer nurse contact and they should be contactable, so maybe they might have some better Ideas or advice.

    I really hope things ease up for your dad soon.


  • Hi Trevor

    thank you for taking the time to reply, much appreciated. I got him some lemon barley water today and he plans to drink plenty of water. I’ll give his nurse a call tomorrow to see what she suggests.

    thanks again and take care.

    Tracee xx 

  • Best of luck. I did ask my consultant when I got my last results about the urgency etc and said it was very common. 

    I also mentioned chemical cystitis, as I've heard it on here and he suggested D.monnose or something like that. Although I haven't tried that yet. 

    Hope you find something that helps your dad soon.


  • Hi Tracee,I hope your dad’s bladder symptoms settle soon.Best wishes.Jane x

  • Hi, I had my 9th BCG couple of weeks ago and it was by far the most painful. I managed the pain with codeine and drank as much as I could mainly Vimto sugar free cordial as I don’t find it easy to drink cold water. The cystitis lasted for 24 hours and I had a mild temperature through the night then everything settled down again as expected. I hope this helps.

