BCG treatment

  • 4 replies
  • 63 subscribers
  1. I have just had my 6 th session of bcg and I have had a couple of small clots and I have wet myself three times this evening luckily I had my tena pants on I just could not get to the toilet in time 
  • Hi Forestranger, I'm sorry to hear you are having problems after BCG. It does cause inflammation in the bladder. Sounds like it is a battle ground in there at the moment. It may be an idea to give your CNS a call if your bladder doesn't calm down soon. When is your check cystoscopy due?

    Love Ade xx

  • Now have six weeks off and then another 3 sessions then I hav my check to see what is going on so I am thinking February 25

  • Hello Forestranger, My consultant told me the BCG is a live Bacteria that  does agitate the bladder in order to attack the baddies. The effects on people vary so I would not be too concerned unless your symptoms persist. Contact your CNS if these symptoms last. Stay well. Garviv

  •    sounds unpleasant but I am afraid par for the course with BCG as it really is heavy on the bladder. Probably best to contact your specialist nurse to see if she can do anything for you, like drugs to help calm the bladder. Leo