Bladder Cancer Spread

  • 3 replies
  • 65 subscribers

Morning All,

My Dad was diagnosed with high grade non intrusive bladder cancer about 2 years ago. He has had several  TURBT followed by  BCG courses. Unfortunately yesterday we were given the news that the cancer is now invasive and is in the lymph nodes and has spread to the lung.

It is therefore not cure able  so effectively my dad is in pallative care. I knew it sounds silly but we are all in shock as he has been coping well with the treatment and feeling well, so it was unexpected news.

The only treatment  he has been offered is Chemo with a brain scan (I assume to see if it has moved here). Has anyone else experience with this? we went through a similar route with my mum who had lung cancer (spread to the brain) and the chemo didn't enhance her quality of life and she was very ill from it . I'm scared we are about to embark on the same journey with my dad. 

I suppose I'm wondering if people have had any success with the treatment and if it has led to a better and longer quality of life? 

The thought of going through it all again after only 3 years  after my mum has really knocked me.

Sorry for doom and gloom

B x

  • Morning Sue, So sorry to hear the news about your dad. I can’t offer any advice but I’m sure other forum members will have experience of palliative care and will be posting today. Thinking of you Garviv

  • Hi Balti,I’m so sorry to hear this,what a terrible shock for you all.I hope someone with experience will be along to offer advice and support.My thoughts are with you.Love and best wishes Jane xx

  • This is very distressing news for you all, sending positive vibes to you all. I know it’s not the same but my Dad had all the treatment which left him very poorly for a geoblastoma (sorry can’t spell) 

    he has now finished treatment and is coping well. He’s still going to his caravan 2 and a half years later. Considering the doctors gave him 2 months to live I’m glad he had the treatment. However, this is all personal choice. 
    im having treatment for bladder cancer and I hate it but I want to see my daughters grow up. I have considered stopping it and winging it. 

    im not sure what treatment they will offer you dad but what ever you all decide will be the right choice for you all.