Rigid Cysto with Biopsy

  • 6 replies
  • 67 subscribers

Hi all. 

Following one day of passing visible blood clots and very bloody urine, I was booked in for a flexi cystoscopy which I had last week.

The scan showed that there was a lesion in my bladder.  The doctor said that it was very small and "didnt look sinister" - whatever that means.  I saw it myself on the screen, it looked like a very small pink worm.  

I'm having a rigid cysto this week so they can take a biopsy.  

I know you are not supposed to read up on these things, but I couldn't help it, and I read that benign growths in the bladder are very rare.

I was wondering if there was anyone here that has followed a similar path and the growth did indeed turn out to be benign and not cancerous?

My only symptom at the moment is frequent need to urinate (I feel like I need to go constantly, even immediately after relieving myself).

Thanks for reading

Surrey (39,M)

  • Hi  and welcome to the group. Where you are at the moment will be familiar to many of us. We have had members here where the growths have been benign, but as you say very rare. The procedure you will be having is called a TURBT (trans urethral resection of bladder tumour). Not as bad as it sounds. The offending cells will be scraped away and sent of for analysis. Usually done in day surgery, but prepare for an overnight just in case you go down late. A few weeks wait then for results. Lots of experience here so always someone to answer any questions. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Hi Surrey10.

    Yes my tumour was benign. I had my TURBT in July  only last week got to see the consultant with the results. 

    My tumour was large and couldn't be fully removed because of excessive bleeding. 

    I'm having a pre op on Friday for my second TURBT to try to get it removed, as it's causing me alot of problems. 

    Good luck with your TURBT. Keep positive. 

    Take care.

  • Good luck with your procedure.
    I'm a relative newcomer or rookie myself, and I had TURBT No. 1 in July and TURBT No. 2 earlier this month. Rily's description is a good one. I handled both of mine fairly well and was home from both the same evening and feeling very little the worse for wear.
    As the more veteran folks here have said, ask away. The people here have had a lot of experiences and are quite compassionate.
    Good luck and hang in there. This is doable.

  • Hi Surrey10,Welcome to our friendly group.Good luck with your cystoscopy.Make sure you drink plenty of fluids after it to help flush the bladder through.Most on here find lemon barley water helpful to drink in addition to water etc.Best wishes Jane 

  • Thank you everyone for your kind messages.  I had the procedure on Friday - "rigid and flexible cystoscopy and bladder biopsy and cystodiathermy".  I was told that the tumour was in an awkward position.  Now I just have to wait for the results.  For anyone facing a similar procedure - the process itself was completely painless.  I had significant pain in passing urine for the first few days afterwards though, but - I think some of this was due to the position of the tumour.  Wishing you all the very best.

  • Hi  . Good to know your procedures went smoothly. The pain when peeing is quite normal and should gradually subside. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water to keep things flushed out. A few weeks wait now for results and I hope all goes well. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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