Areas of concern

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  • 66 subscribers

Hi I hope everybody is as well as can be I went for my first three month cystoscopy after having a low grade non muscle invasive tumor removed three months to the day the consultant which I had not seen before was great no pain or discomfort during the procedure she went to great length explaining everything as she worked her way around the bladder she pointed out two red areas one close to the original tumor site and the other one at the top of the bladder I am to have biopsies of both sites in the next three weeks so it all starts again just feeling at a low ebb I have been so lucky up to now with such an early diagnosis 

  • Hi  . Not exactly what you wanted, but do not despair. These red areas are very common and lots of posts here regarding the similar. In many case it turns out to be inflammation, but because on visible inspection these red patches look the same as recurrences and need further investigation. The odds are in your favour, but if it does turn out to be a new recurrence, then they are on to it and will deal with it one way or another. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Hi Mut64,Sorry to hear you have red areas.These patches are common and not always due to cancer.I used to get them frequently pre cancer and they were always biopsied and due to inflammation.If they are cancerous they will treat them.Best wishes Jane 

  • Hi Mut64,

    I had red spots spotted on one of my diagnosis, turned out to be caused by inflammation.

    Of course they are going to cause you to worry, but hopefully all will be well and they're really looking after you, by the sounds of things.


  • Hi Mut64

    I understand and share your concerns.  I have just had 2 red patches biopsied and I'm waiting for my results. All we can do is trust the system in that we are being closely monitored and each issue will be resolved quickly.

    Sending you a hug. 

    Love Ade xx

  • Just had the red patches on my last cystoscopy and they were checked with dye and blue light cystoscopy and zapped with laser. Consultant didn't think they were sinister so happy with that. Understand you feeling bit low as I did as mine had always been clear for a year and a half. Hope next one will be clear in December. Try not worry this does seem common on here. 

  • Thanks Rily the what ifs had been building up for the week before I feel better this morning still worried but have given myself a kick up the bum on wards and upwards the main problem is how work will react if I have more time off I never asked the consultant if I will need time off 

    Thanks nigel

  • Hi  . These follow up resections for suspicious areas are generally a lot less severe than the original TURBT. Time off work would depend on what you do. Anything strenuous should be avoided for several weeks, but some people can get back to work within days. Your doctor will advise. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Thanks Jane fingers crossed it is just inflammation talking to the consultant before she informed me that if everything was ok my next cystoscopy would be in nine moths and then discharged back to my gp after the cystoscopy she asked lots of questions smoking ,work ect then asked about family history my dad had cancer bladder/prostate removed in his early forties my grandad bowel cancer followed by bladder and prostate cancer ,we had a brief discussion about staying on the surveillance program long term which I found very reassuring 

    thanks nigel

  • Thanks Trevor I just can’t fault the care I have received I still feel very lucky


  • Thanks Ade the waiting for the results is the really hard part I hope your results are good ones i over think things but I do have total faith in the system the consultant actually pointed out two spots of damage /inflammation to the urethra can’t remember what she called it ,and that they will now monitor them as well I couldn’ ask for any more when some people are so much more worse off than me 

    thanks nigel