BCG v Cystectomy

  • 65 replies
  • 79 subscribers

Morning All

                  Following 3 lots of TURBT surgery and 2 CT scans I have the option of BCG or Cystectomy . The Diagnosis was G3 pT1 with focal anaplasia. Bladder cancer . I think the surgeon would have operated on me there and then but has given me a week to decide treatment. I am active and fit 74 year old and would value thoughts from this group ( I know at the end it’s my decision) 

  • Ps CT scan shows no trouble in the kidneys or ureters and no evidence of the disease elsewhere, my re-resection was clear but it is a high grade T1 bladder cancer 

  •    I have the same grade. I found BCG intolerable, and the treatment team have recommended a RC. I wish I had chosen that option 1st and spared myself a lot of pain and grief. I would take the RC.

  • Whilst younger than you I found BCG bearable and worthwhile. The side effects aren’t horrible just make sure you wear a pad to avoid accidents for a couple of days after

  • I am in the same sort of situation (M58 and two rounds of TURBT - just recovering from 2nd round). My consultant said that my bladder lining is not in a good state and the percentage success of BCG is reduced because of it. 
    I have pathology results next week from 2nd TURBT, and I need to decide on BCG or Cystectomy.

    Is the BCG really that bad for most people?

    Is it worth it in the long run, if the odds are that I will need a cystectomy anyway?

    Wondering what sort of life (social, sex etc) I can expect if my bladder is removed.

  • Hello Quarry, I would opt for BCG to try to preserve your bladder. If you tolerate BCG and it is successful then it is a good choice. If it doesn’t work RC would be a good choice. Good luck Garviv

  • Hi Garviv 

                    Thank you for the good wishes. I see your a golfer . I have been all over the place recently on the course ( put it down to thinking about what to do ) . Good we can share experiences. All the best David 

  • Hello Dadageddon, cannot comment on the effects of bladder removal.However, I have had 12 BCG  instillations which were not too bad. Initial discomfort peeing for a day or so and increased visits to the toilet, especially during the night. After a few days no problems. Good luck with whatever choice you make. Garviv 

  • Hello David, Golf has been a lifesaver for me, keeping me relatively fit and active as well as meeting fellow old boys to play and chat. When I have a poor round I can blame the Cancer. When I play OK I am just pleased to be able play and enjoy my golf. You’re right when I was first diagnosed more than five years ago my first consultant wanted to remove my bladder immediately. Thankfully, I chose Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy. I have had 2 superficial tumours that recurred but with BCG my last two flexible cystoscopies have been clear. ForeGolfer️‍ Garviv

  • Know what you mean . I meet with three friends and we are known as compo , clegg  and foggy which is about right Joy