Pain after TURBT.

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  • 71 subscribers

So the first 5 days or side I had awful pain like a stabbing pain in my left side during urination, I sort of expected it was normal after having a rigid cystoscopy and stent put in my left Ureter. 

I did tell the hospital the pain was horrendous before I was discharged but they said it was normal. As I already mentioned the first 5 days was awful when urinating, to the point I was doubled over almost and then would lie on the bed rubbing my side as it would've aching a lot.

The pain went away after those worst few days, but I noticed it started to come back sometimes and put it down to having the stent in, but now I'm wondering if it's something else. Like kidney stones or something.

It can come and go and hurt or not hurt without any logical reason which seems strange.

I'm having my stent out on Monday so hoping that resolves the issue completely if it is the stent causing it. I have read a lot on people talking about stent pain but now I'm really questioning things.

Anyone else had that sort of pain after a TURBT?

I'll mention it on Monday and see what they say, but I did have ultrasound and FC and also a CT scan before my op so would assume they would have picked up on something maybe amiss, never had that pain before the op so again just assumed it was to do with what had been done.

I'm into week 7 since my TURBT, and also I get a slight tingling/burning sensation in my urethra mostly constantly as well since the op, again assuming it was also normal after having the flex and rigid cystoscopy procedures.

I think I'm about done now with bloody urine hopefully as well, I did mention how much bloody urine I was still having and again was told I could expect that for 6 to 8 weeks after the OP 

Again I will mention this on Monday.

I expected to be in pain but I was taking 4 codeine a day after the op and in mega pain, at its worst then it would have been a solid 8 or 9 out of ten it nowhere near as bad when it happens now but sometimes a good 5 maybe 6 orleas when it happens infrequently now.

I am fairly sure the consultant said they didn't need to do a euretoscopy during my TURBT as well.

So yeah really not sure what to make of it currently.

  • Hi Simc,

    I'm sorry to hear that you still have pain 7 weeks after TURBT. I had some pain and discomfort for a good couple of months after both my TURBTs. (I passed out in Hospital after my first Rofl )Your body does suffer quite some trauma during the procedure. I don't have any experience of a stent and I'm sure others will be along later who do have this sort of experience. It may be worth checking with your team to see if you have a UTI as these are quite common after TURBT. Its good that you only have to wait til Monday and in the meantime maybe try to increase your fluid intake, Robinsons Lemon Barley Water does seem to help to soothe.

    Hope you manage to get some sleep tonight.

    Sending you a hug.

    Love Ade xx

  • Thanks Ade,

    I think I am just overthinking things, like I said it was really really bad to start with then seemed to be fine, it was only going down to Cornwall where I drank less sometimes rather than needing to find a toilet regularly while out that I started with some pain again. Most of the time it's ok now so may be just down to not enough fluids at times. 

    I'm still trying to drink a good 3 litres a day but any more than that and I'm going to the loo so frequently it's ridiculous and I'm fed up with peeing so much.

    Don't think it's a UTI either I think it is purely stent pain as every story I've read problem either have next to no pain from a stent or tons of pain. 

    Only a couple of days to go and hopefully things will feel much better. 


    My name is Simon. But Si is also fine, in fact you can call me anything you like it’s only a name after all Joy

    Much love and hope to everyone past future and present. 

    I also hate autocorrect and hope people can make sense out of my posts when it changes half the words I type.

  • Hi Simon, I'm sure your pain levels will reduce once the stent is removed on Monday. 

    On another note, you can purchase Radar Keys which allow you to use disabled toilet facilities, very useful when you need to use the toilet very frequently.

    Hope Sunday goes quickly for you.

    Love Ade xx

  • Hi Simon,Sorry you are still in pain.I hope it goes once the stent comes out.Love Jane x

  • morning simon, good luck with your appt tomorrow and I hope you get the answers you need, and relief from the pain. 

    Much love Angela x

  • Hi Ade, is it tomorrow you have your op ?

    Much love Angela x

  • Hi Angela Wave 

    No, my surgery is on Friday, just got to go for a blood test today. It will all be over with this time next week, then hopefully I'll be able to carry on with BCG.

    Have a lovely day at the Donkey sanctuary Horse 

    Love Ade xx

  • Thanks again I have already got a radar key for those eventualities if required. 


    My name is Simon. But Si is also fine, in fact you can call me anything you like it’s only a name after all Joy

    Much love and hope to everyone past future and present. 

    I also hate autocorrect and hope people can make sense out of my posts when it changes half the words I type.

  • They are handy.My partner got chatting to me when we discovered we both had ‘can’t wait’ cards.Strange way to find romance but we are still together 22 years later.Jane x

  • Well there is a different story of romance Joy


    My name is Simon. But Si is also fine, in fact you can call me anything you like it’s only a name after all Joy

    Much love and hope to everyone past future and present. 

    I also hate autocorrect and hope people can make sense out of my posts when it changes half the words I type.