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Good Evening Everyone 

Hope you are Keeping as well as Can be so my first follow up appointment is 2 weeks away and been going through a period of reflection so to speak looking and thinking back to conversations things I’ve had done and the 3 months of nothing I’ve just had one thing I keep reflecting on is my conversation at my first ever sit down where my consultant said if your going to get Cancer then bladder cancer is a preferred one I’m still treating people with a diagnosis like yours 20 years on so just going to see what the follow up brings the mind is ready should it go a bit pear shaped we go again if required 


  • Hi Ste, Like you I can still recall the first sit down convo. Most of it I have forgotten , however the positivity and calmness of my consultant totally framed the whole meeting. I asked him at the end if I needed my bladder out! He was so cool saying “ i dont think thats necessary” I came away feeling much calmer and decided i would totally trust him.

    I am 17months on and like you the mind is ready should it go pear shaped, but it still causes me anxiety in the week running up to appointments. Sending you positivity Ste , hope your meeting goes well

    Much love Angela x

  • Hello Ste, I remember my first consultation more than five years ago. The consultant was as blunt as yesterday’s knife. You have a tumour in your bladder we will operate to remove your bladder but at your age(68 then) it can be dangerous. I will arrange for a Stoma nurse to visit you. Gulp! Panic! Thank goodness he was accompanied by a MacMillan nurse who kindly explained the size and grade of cancer and went through the alternatives. She gave me a MacMillan booklet re Bladder cancer which was so helpful and informative. A short time later I met with my Consultant Oncologist who said oh no not bladder removal. She went on to introduce me to Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy, a route I took over five years ago. Good luck Ste on your journey. Garviv

  • I still remember my first appointment.I knew I had cancer from how ill I looked and felt.I asked whether it was cancer and the uro said yes and that I would be going to Bristol for bladder removal.I was introduced to the specialist nurse and we left the room and out into the corridor where my partner and sister were waiting.Then we trooped into another room where I was handed a book on non invasive bladder cancer and given the details of the macmillan support worker.The booklet was not the correct one as I had muscle invasive cancer.My sister was crying and John looked shocked and the nurse said nothing to comfort us.It was a strange surreal experience and we drove home practically in silence.At least the support worker told me about this community as I had no support from him or the specialist nurse over the years.Love Jane x

  • Hello Jane, It can be a lonely and frightening experience when you are given your first diagnosis. Thankfully the journey gets better. Lovely sunny day here today. Garviv 

  • Hi Garviv,It does get easier once you know what you are dealing with and what treatment you need.It’s sunny here too I’ve washed some woollies and put them out to dry.Have a good weekend.Love Jane x

  • Morning Garviv and Jane 

    after reading most of your journeys and learning what I could regarding BC feel abit more at ease with how it’s gone it’s the unknown that sets the anxiety off at first but fully believe in what Rily said to me initially once  the road is laid out and you start moving along things will improve and they have 


  • I was so naïve when this all started for me. Mine was well advanced before I started showing any symptoms but was fortunate to find a pro active GP who referred me to urology straight away. An ultrasound identified a large mass. I was then due to have a flexible cystoscopy, but the doc told me there was no point and I went straight to TURBT. I thought they were just going to cut it out and that would be it. Little did I foresee the journey I was about to embark on. Now over ten years later I am nearly due for my annual check up. Never gets any easier, but hey ho, que serra serra. Excellent care all the way by my team. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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