Cystoscopy Results

  • 4 replies
  • 71 subscribers

Had two bladder tumours removed, the second tumour was called high grade so I had BCG treatment for 6 weeks the had a Cystoscopy and possible biopsy - just wondered how long does it take to get results? The Cystoscopy was 3 weeks ago and I was hoping to have heard something by now.

Anyone any ideas? Thanks

  • Hi Finngirl and welcome to our friendly and supportive group.

    The waiting for results is so hard, sometimes it can take up to a month to get the biopsy results back. It may be worth checking in with your BCG nurse to ask if they have any results yet. Hang in there and let's hope for a good result for you so you can carry on with the BCG therapy.

    Sending you love  and positive vibes Sparkles️ 

    Ade  xx

  • Hi Finngirl, just to say welcome, and you will get plenty of support on this forum. the folk on here are great and you can ask anything. someone will have an answer. Good advice from furbabymama to contact your bcg nurse. My results have taken anything from 2 weeks . Good luck, hope you can get back on the bcg soon.

    Much love Angela x

  • Hi Finngirl,Welcome to our friendly group.It’s horrible waiting for results.I hope you hear soon and that you find it helpful on here.Love Jane x

  • Thanks f or your replies - good advice will try to find a number for the nurse thanks again helpful forum x