• 6 replies
  • 69 subscribers

Afternoon Everyone 

very very poor patient care from NHS today unfortunately was due in at 8:15 am this morning went into the nurse around 8:25 for admission she was quite a jumped up jobsworth to be honest and proceeded to be heavy handed with blood pressure arm think she was trying to cut my circulation off  just thought you need to try a bit harder flower I’m 6.1 and 14st seen the consultant nice man where I was informed that there was no anaesthesiologist available at the moment and I’d be having a little bit of a wait they’ve left me sat here alll day it’s now 3pm still waiting to go down no food nothing to drink fuming 


  • Hi Ste, that is just awful. The least they can do is communicate what the problem is and when you are likely to get seen. Has anyone spoken to you ? 

    Much love Angela x

  • Hi Ste. I've had one of these and know how frustrating it is . In at 9am and sat in a plastic chair till 4.30 as emergencies kept coming in. Because I was late going down they kept me in for a sleepover. Hopefully it will be worth the wait. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Hi Rily and Angela I’m going to cut them some slack my last CT scan showed that everything was flowing as it should be so they did not feel the need to do ureterscopy they was planning they just did the mopping up some samples back on the a ward no catheter alls well that ends well 


  • Hi Angela All they kept saying was waiting for a anaesthesiologist he eventually arrived and I went down at 4 I’m home eating a chippy with my youngest lad and Rily you wasn’t wrong with how it went in the end it was worth the boredom and stress 

  • Enjoy your chippy tea, i bet it tastes like heaven after starving all day !

    Much love Angela x

  • One thing I would like to add I had a lovely conversation with the nurse taking care of me in recovery where she said you wouldn’t believe how common it’s become and some people who are diagnosed don’t discuss it and find it very taboo I made a point of mentioning the forum and how everyone shares their experiences I was abit silent on it first few weeks after finding out but have discussed it with most of my male friends and said watch out for this watch out for that as you move forward in life I owe it to myself to share  if my words can make someone seek medical attention then I feel I’ve done my bit 
