Hello there,
Patient is 74/M with five rounds of BCG done so far and fifth happened around six weeks ago causing severe complications. Last week Doctors have noticed through Cystoscope that his bladder has been inflamed (due to BCG). They have prescribed him ketanov (10mg) for a week to reduce the inflammation. His main concern is urine frequency causing sleeplessness (once ever 15 minutes) because of inflammation and also pain (also no infection of any kind). They tried to insert Urine Catherer so he doesn't have the urge to go the the toilet but that itself was causing a lot of pain too - its unbearable that he couldn't sleep at all with it, so ended in removing Catheter and he is back to square one on Urine Frequency problem.
Do you or anyone been in this position before and any ideas you have on resolving the Bladder Inflammation problem?
Also to add he has just told me that Ketanov has made no difference - his pain is still the same and still having the frequent urination.
So it sounds as though the Inflammation hasn't come down causing so much issues.
Is there anything you can advice / tips please?
Always check with a good pharmacist. Anti inflammatories that I use albeit for joint pain, are turmeric, and ginger. The turmeric needs to be in oil as it is a fat soluble not water soluble active ingredient. The ginger, I take a piece about the size of a pound coin of raw root ginger. Once or twice a day, I either chop it into muesli that we soak overnight for breakfast, or eat it with dark chocolate to line the mouth against the heat.
We are waiting for urology to see if OH with bc can have iAluril bladder lining soothing treatment to improve his frequency.
Hope this may help
Thank you so much Deby.
Do you mean something like this for Tumeric oil? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Organic-Turmeric-Capsules-Strength-Curcumin/dp/B07XPHR5L1/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=turmeric+oil+capsules&qid=1704115952&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1
and for Ginger - do you mean just eat the ginger straight dipped in Breakfast cereal or with a dark chocolate?
I would be grateful to you if you can update me on the iAuril part for your OH as and when it progresses.
Thank you,
Hi Anon_for_patient, I can't see offhand looking at the link, whether these are actually in oil or not. I use the healthspan ones, granted they are not organic and I do choose organic for most of my food. Re the ginger, it's just personal preference about convenient ways of not burning my mouth, Dark chocolate has healthy anti-oxidants and minerals in so not too guilty a pleasure.
Certainly will update re the iAluril, we have been round the houses for six months trying to access this.
Hi,I don’t know whether this would work for BCG inflammation but I found cutting out certain foods helped with bladder irritation and frequency.Onions and tomatoes caused the most pain along with anything citrus.The temptation to not drink much is great when you have frequency but it’s the worst thing you can do.If your bladder is irritated and you don’t drink enough it causes more irritation.Love Jane x
Thank you Jane
I will pass it on. He says he does drink plenty of water but as to the irritants I have reminded him about citrus type food.
Denby - I have told him about the Tumeric oil and he seems to be worried taking this would affect his GERD disease. Googljng about this I think Tumeric can actually help with GERD also - hopefully I am right!
It is tricky as lemon barley water can help prevent infections.It is trial and error with food and drink.When I had bladder ulcers avoiding anything too acidic did help.Jane
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