
  • 6 replies
  • 66 subscribers

I don’t want to offend anyone, but for those who have had a terminal diagnosis, how do you deal with it? How do you come to terms with it & even accept it? Personally, I think you’re all amazing x

  • No one knows whats round the corner for any of us! One things for certain we all die, I don't fear Death! The unknown or a slow painful death is another matter 

  • Those wanting to think about terminal diagnosis may find the relevant other MacMillan forum helpful perhaps.

  • Good afternoon Rachel72.    Your question takes me back to 1993 when my dear wife was confronted with a terminal diagnosis. How do you deal with it ? There’s no handbook to guide you. How do you come to terms with it ? I don’t think you can . How do you accept it ?  Eventually.  I have a detailed diary of the progression of events over 30 months  kept by my wife to offer help to those in a similar place.  Best wishes J

  • I’ve not been given a terminal diagnosis, but they think the cancer could be back & it’s running through my head that this time it might be x

  • Different people react differently. For me it was just a case of i can not do anything about it, so i am just carrying on as normal until i can't, the thing i found the hardest was the way it affected those around me, my wife still can not come to terms that mine is terminal. For her it is the uncertainty around everything not knowing when, what can be done and the big one the unknown.

  • I can understand those feelings, sending all my love:) x