Result of first meeting with oncologist

  • 1 reply
  • 63 subscribers

Hi, my husband had his first meeting with the oncologist, I must say it's like trying to get information out of MI5 regarding his cancer. He will be having chemo starting next tuesday but needs a transfusion this saturday first, one week it will take 8 hours the next week 2 hours approx then a week off, repeated for another 2 cycles then a ct scan, if all well 1 more cycle then he has a choice of chemoradiation or cystoprostectomy. He's leaning more towards radiotherapy rather than the op. I had to speak to his oncologist nurse to get the information needed. He has T2 mibc and she says its curable,but I don't know how they can know for sure as they have never scanned him he has only had turbt where they dug deep to get as much of the tumour as possible, would they be able to tell from that as it was 9 weeks ago and I worry in case it's grown back as he gets lots of pain.

  • Hi  . Sorry you have not had a reply to this post yet. It must have slipped through the net. We know how some doctors can be different in the way they deal with patients. Some can be very informative while others can be blunt and dismissive. That's why I always ask for the meeting notes to understand things better. The chemo will take a while and this will give more time to gather as much information as possible in order to make an informed decision. I did not have to make my choice until chemo had finished. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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