CIS/BCG question

  • 5 replies
  • 72 subscribers

I went for my TURBT yesterday and was told they couldn’t cut away red patches in my bladder as the risk of perforation of the bladder was too high. They’ve said depending on the outcome of biopsy it maybe BCG therapy. The appointment to discuss treatment will be in 6 weeks. 

anyway, I’ve been off work 6 months and financially can’t afford any more time off. Can anyone tell me if the side effects of BCG are bad enough that I couldn’t work. I don’t want to go back on 8th may and find I can’t cope. I’m a secondary teacher

  • Hi Knebworth, 

    I'm currently going through my first set of BCG treatments. The procedure itself takes a few hours. If you take into consideration arriving, being seen and then waiting the two hours with the BCG inside the bladder.

    You then have to drink lots of water and have to wash/shower and bleach the toilet for six hours after. So the actual day would be hard to return to work if you don't WFH.

    So far the only side effect for me is a headache and feeling a bit tired, but have returned to work the next day. But I get back to normal fairly quickly.

    Obviously this can be different for everyone.

    Best wishes and good luck.

  • The day you have it as Knebworth says you have to be near the loo usually as it makes you want to pee more frequently and then you have to do the bleach etc, I normally have the day after off as usually feel tired and just think you need it but then go back into work. 

  • Hi Knebworth

    I've had 6 BCG procedures (now waiting for another TURBT) and found it relatively straightforward. The first time you need to hang around in the hospital for an hour to ensure there's no reaction but after that you can go home as long as you hold the chemicals in your bladder for an hour. For a few hours you need to use bleach after urinating to kill the bacteria.

    I've found that I'm in a bit of discomfort for 5 to 6 hours after the procedure but after that I'm fine, with no side effects, and good to return to work the following day.

    Good luck.


  • Thank you. How long did it take for biopsy to come back? I was told 4-6 weeks but I’ve been called for hospital appointment next week

  • I honestly can't remember how long it took for the biopsy results to come back but I'm pretty sure it wasn't as long as  4-6 weeks. I wouldn't read too much into the fact you've been called in next week but it's great that in these difficult times for the NHS they are looking after you speedily. Good luck and keep us updated.
