Change in Bowel Habits following Surgery

  • 12 replies
  • 54 subscribers

It's been 6 weeks now since my cystectomy. My recovery has mainly been ok although with some blips along the way. The one thing that is starting to get me down is some changes in my bowel habits which are starting to concern me. I will have a word with the doctors but I was wondering whether anyone has any similar experience following an RC. 

I was getting some awful constipation so a couple of weeks ago I spoke to my GP who prescribed a laxative, which I've been using and is keeping the constipation at bay. I don't seem to be able to eat much now without feeling so full and feel I need to go to the loo. Seem to be going about 3 times a day at the moment without really feeling that's I'm going properly. 

As I say, I will have a word with the doctors but has anyone found that their bowel habits changed following their surgery? Did this settle down and revert back to normal? 

Thanks and Regards


  • Hi Mike,I had terrible constipation due to paralytic ileus post surgery.I stopped vomiting once home but still felt full easily and had to take things to help the constipation.I noticed I was emptying the bowels in the early hours of the morning and this change has become permanent nearly 3 years later.My surgeon said it can take a few months for the bowels to settle following Ileus.See what the doctors say,things will probably improve with time.It’s still very early days in your recovery.Best wishes Jane x

  • Thanks Jane

    I had ileus issues in hospital as well which meant I had a nasal gastric tube for about 5 days. I suppose I haven't taken this into account really when thinking about the current issue but it makes sense that this has an effect. Probably will improve with time as you say and I need to give it time and keep thinking about the light at the end of the tunnel. 

    Think I've been doing well with the recovery generally but need to keep remembering that it all takes time



  • Hi Mike,I also had a nasal gastric tube for a few days.It sounds like you are still recovering from the effects of the ileus complication.It is hard to see the light at the beginning of the recovery but you will get there.How is the fatigue ?

  • Thanks Jane

    Definitely not feeling as tired as I was so this aspect is improving. Some days are better than others and still often feeling tired but before I was feeling absolutely shattered not having done anything and having daytime naps.  



  • Hi Mike,That’s good that your energy levels are picking up.It is a big operation and it does take it out of you.I was very up and down during the first 3 months but then I turned a corner and dramatically improved.I think it took me longer to recover because I was so ill to begin with and not very fit.As my partner would say keep the faith that improvement will continue each week.Take care,Jane 

  • Hi Mike

    Your bowels have taken a hell of a bashing. Just after the op I didn't go for days. They will hopefully sort themselves soon but it is good to speak to your doctor

    Love Inanna x 

    I know that I don't know
  • Thanks Inanna 

    Yes I've got to keep reminding myself just how big an op this one is and being patient regarding the recovery. 

    Will have a word with the doctors. Hopefully as you say they will sort themselves out though 



  • Hi

    Had terrible constipation on getting home and the laxatives caused leaking (not pleasant), but no real movement. I stopped the laxatives and eventually it cleared. Not uncommon in the first few weeks after the op.

    It doesn't matter where you go, there you are
  • I was warned that there might be some permanent changes in bowel habits. In the first few weeks mine varied from urgent and loose to very sluggish. They have settled down to similar to pre op, but feels more of an effort to completely empty. Also a bit more prone to sudden looseness after eating certain foods. We tend to be more aware of how everything is functioning. Hope you feel more comfortable soon. 

  • Thanks Teasswill

    I've definitely been on the very sluggish side. It sounds, from what everyone has said, that some changes are likely to remain but that things are also likely to mainly settle down in time. The effort to completely empty has been concerning me and that's with taking some laxatives so I hope it becomes easier. 

    You mention eating certain types of food. Has everyone found that you have been able to eat as before once things have settled down? Thinking of both certain types of food and amount you are able to eat? I've read that you should be able to eat as before but I'm wondering about that. Trying to not eat too much although wanting to build myself back up a bit having lost some weight and muscle tone. Avoiding likely problem things like anything too spicy as well.