Bleeding again

  • 2 replies
  • 63 subscribers

Hi all

I know I've been away from the group for a while, we are moving house so every spare moment of my life is spent packing and sorting. My son has moved out and is having a baby so it's been busy busy.

Anyway.....a week before my 12 month Cystoscopy was due I started to get the pain again so I asked my GP for a urine test. It came back with no infection, high white blood cells and high red blood cells (70).

I had my Cystoscopy which was clear. So consultant requested another urine test, kidney function test and a ct with contrast. I got the results of the urine test today, no infection, high white blood cells, high red blood cells (169). That has more than doubled in 4 weeks.

I'm a mess with anxiety. I'm exhausted. Real exhaustion. I have my scan on 24th, it seems so far away. I can't get any info from my specialist nurse as to what this may be or why it's happening or even what they are looking for. 

Gonna be a long few weeks 

Sending love to all
