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Diagnosed in Feb 23, bile duct cancer, in liver, spread to abdominal cavity, lymph nodes and outside lungs!!!  Palliative chemo, anyone going through the same?? I feel completely lost and totally alone, very little to no support whatsoever, Help!!

  • You poor darling. Have you got good friends and family ? How old are you? My heart goes out to you. 

  • Have bile duct cancer as well.  There seems to be no support for this type of cancer.  Do you have a Maggie’s Centre?  They are very helpful.

  • Yes i am awaiting chemo on the 18th they want me to have a wipple that i am not keen on 

    if they think i am not fit to have a whipple now two op dates cancelled then i dont see how they think i will be fit after chemo!!

    there is a radiation treatment where they attack the chemo in the bile duct apparent not done on the nhs but she said to discuss further after chemo so will see 

  • Hello, thankyou for responding, I'm 59!! Too young for all this!! I don't have a close family, my daughters are in London, 1 in Singapore!! Dont see anyone on a daily basis, seems to be no real support anywhere, from anyone! Unless you want to ditto and make lots of phone calls, which I don't!! Be really nice to actually see, other people.

  • Hello!! Thankyou for responding! No, there doesn't seem to be much support, I've not heard of a Maggies centre, will try and find out! How long since you had your diagnosis? There seems to be limited info too!! What area are you in? I'm in Dorset.

  • Hello, what is a wireless? I've not heard of this? I'm sorry you've not been well and chemo is certainly hard going! I'm just awaiting scan results, half way through my chemo now, but not sure I want to continue, how long have you had your cancer for? Have you had any treatment yet?? 

  • Sorry about last msg!!! What is a Wipple? Predictive text changed it to worelessThinking

  • A whipple is an operation where they cut the pancreas the top

    of stomack take out gall bladder and open top of intestine remove part of the bile duct then join all to the intestine 

    you have to take tablets before you eat for the reat of your life i dont fancy it at all 

  • I have found macmillion nurse amazing it is telephone but emotional and nursing support they have helped me

    through so much