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Diagnosed in Feb 23, bile duct cancer, in liver, spread to abdominal cavity, lymph nodes and outside lungs!!!  Palliative chemo, anyone going through the same?? I feel completely lost and totally alone, very little to no support whatsoever, Help!!

  • Oh wow! That does sound awful! It's really hard to make decisions though, especially when they are life changing! I'm not sure I want to continue chemo, but then worry about the implications of not having it!! Its really is crap, isn't it?  I will give Macmillan a call, as I do really need support and have so many questions! Do you have support from family? 

  • No my family is an ofd lot so i keep away am in touch with my mum she is 91 but is more of a carer role 

    she tells my sisters what us happening with me rather they didnt know but some people get off on others pain sadly 

    i have a son 22 who is autistic he is trying to be there for but it is worrying for him as if the end comes he has no-one to turn to very sad but that is life doing the best i can is all i can do

  • Unfortunately in Newcastle upon Tyne..  Am having chemo at the moment but awaiting scan results.  The first lot of chemo gave me blood clots so I have to have blood thinners every day.  The new chemo does not make me as ill but my veins are giving up and I may need to have a line put in if I decide to continue with the chemo.  Mine was discovered when I took part in the Graill research project.  It was diagnosed with a blood test, they had no idea what to do with me as it was in the early stages, that was 14 months ago.  It is still growing that is why the change of. Hemp drugs.  Hope you can find some help.

  • Should say chemo drugs

  • Hi Daisy, sorry you're having to live with this. I'm guessing over the last 2/3 weeks you've learned a lot. If you haven't found them already, the national charity AMMF is very good and they have a Facebook group which is quite active. I hope you've found people to talk with - Maggie's if there is one near you, or Macmillan locally.

    My partner was diagnosed in October 2021. Chemo is tough but it does usually seem effective in stabilising tumour growth. But there are often other complications, and every person's journey seems to be different. We found that if you can it's helpful to get support from your hospital oncologists alongside Cancer Nurse Specialist (they can be really helpful and help you feel less lonely) AND from community palliative care, at the same time. Basically, go for anything you can get, and keep pushing. And good luck, this is not an easy journey.