Hello, 4 weeks into treatment

  • 15 replies
  • 54 subscribers

Hi, I'm 67 mum of 2, grandmother of 2  I was diagnosed in November with T2 NO anal cancer. I'm just completing week 4 of chemoradiotherapy and getting sore and tired now. The chemo had to be stopped this week due to low platlets which I found upsetting as I was determined to get through the treatment, I have a blood test tomorrow and will see my oncologist Monday to see if I can start chemo again. Being diagnosed with anal cancer has been scary, depressing every emotion really as I know you've all felt from reading your posts but now I'm worried the treatment won't be as effective without the last possibly two weeks of chemo. Has anyone else had this? I had an infusion on the first day then 5 1/2 weeks of tablet form chemo twice a day. Reading your posts helped me prepare with sitz bath and spray etc. Thank you.


  • Morning,

    I just wanted to say thank you for replying to me. I may have replied to your messages more than once because I didn't think they had sent! Not technically minded! 


  • HiHi Nicola,

    You have thank you. You're right Anal cancer isn't spoken about very much as you say it's quite rare. I had breast cancer 7 years ago and that felt very different in terms of openness. I'd read about the actress Marcia Cross having it a long time before I was diagnosed and she was t

  • Hi Nicola,

    Thank you, yes you have I feel better about it now. As you say anal cancer is relatively rare and there isn't too much information out there about it, I was reading about the actress Marcia Cross and her experience of anal cancer and that she's trying to raise awareness, before I was diagnosed so I looked up the symptoms and mine were the same and I just had a feeling that's what it was. I had breast cancer 7 years ago and there is a lot of information out there and obviously it's very widely talked about, so I was pleased to find the forum.

    Thanks again for the advice.


  • Hi again Sue ( ),

    Yes it’s good that people like Marcia Cross who are in the public eye are prepared to open up about this particular diagnosis, hopefully this will eventually dispel some of the stigma surrounding anal cancer or rarer cancers in general, for you this was possibly a life saver. I’m so sorry to hear this is your second brush with this awful disease in such a short space of time. I’m pleased you’ve found the forum helpful throughout your diagnosis & treatment we’ll be here as long as you need us. 


  • Hi Nicola,

    Thank you, I appreciate the support.
