How long can it take for a diagnosis,

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  • 53 subscribers

Hi everyone, I've been for a referral on 10 may had biopsy done same day, told not hemeroids and looks bad, since then 1 failed colorectal app due to no biopsy results, then meeting with them told me it was cancer no surgery just chemo and radiation, however still no results, then results were inconclusive, he didn't go deep enough so still waiting for second biopsy, had full body CT, had MRI, going for pet CT scan on wed 22 but still no diagnosis, my works sick pay runs out next month and I can't claim without diagnosis, already suffer with anxiety and depression almost thought I would beat cancer my way, still here though, how long have some of you waited, my second biopsy was said to be urgent 3 weeks ago, sorry for blurting it's not like me, 

  • Hi this will be the 3rd time trying to answer you stupid site!!

    Anyway I hope you get this message

    it is a long waiting game, I was first diagnosed with anal cancer last October didn’t get to see my oncologist until the end of this January and didn’t start treatment till mid February.

    I found they wasn’t forthcoming with answers, I kept asking  what my staging was, but I didn’t find out till I was just going down to have a colostomy operation, the dr asked me a question, I said I didn’t know iv not even been told my staging, he blurted out oh you have advanced stage 4, it was like a train had hit me. 

    i was also waiting on a scan which I was told was urgent , when it came it was weeks away so I called the McMillan nurse and explains I’m waiting on a scan it supposed to be urgent it’s  come through and it’s weeks away  which is unacceptable so she managed to get changed and I got it for a week later.

    iv now finished my treatment at the beginning of April and having to wait 3 months before first scan, which is next week, although it is a waiting came I will say the oncologist has to have every piece of info to plan your treatment, and it’s bloody hard knowing you have cancer, cos you just want to start treatment, hope all go’s well for you 

    take care 


  • I had the same uncertainty when biopsies taken when I had two sigmoidoscopies showed nothing.  I found the waiting around before treatment began the most worrying of all.  I would do as Dizzy1968 did and call the McMillan nurse to see if she can speed things up a bit.  Explain to her exactly what you have told us.  Be prepared for further waiting even when the results of the biopsy come through, they are generally discussed by a MDT (mult-disciplinary team) who will decide on the best course of treatment for you.  Then normally you see the consultant again, who explains what they are going to do, and there is a further wait until treatment starts.  I really feel for you, I found the early days the most stressful worrying time although I didn't have to worry about work as I am retired.  I would hope that your employer will give you some leeway given that you are under serious investigation, is there someone in HR you can talk to?

    Please don't apologise for sharing your story; we are all on the same journey, one way or another, and completely understand your distress.  The only consolation is that my oncologist (when I eventually saw her) told me in the grand scheme of things the wait made no difference to the treatment or the outcome.  Please come back and let us know how you get on.

  • Hi Laura, thanks, it means a lot to be able to talk to someone, I have a wife and two kids, my wife knows but is a stressy person who can't help it but goes of on or every now and then, my kids don't know anything yet they think my appointments are to do with my reynauds syndrome as they are both going through exams at the moment, your are right it's bloody annoying it takes so long even though it's urgent and the surgeon who is supposed to do 2nd biopsy apparently chooses his surgeries, that's nice, trying to keep a cool head is the hardest thing with my mental health, reynauds, IBS, high blood pressure, etc,. Funny thing is I've never cried as much, keep bursting into tears without realising if that makes sense, thank you for taking time out to talk, it means soo much when your trying to protect the ones you love but at the same time feeling so lonely, x

  • Hi, Laura, sorry posted a reply to you under the next post, thanks, x

  • Hi Irene, I have had a meeting with MDT it lasted for 5 mins, they said, it is anal cancer and he knows what type so no surgery needed just chemo and radiation, however I'm surprised by this as the first biopsy came back inconclusive then he told me I wouldn't be seeing him again, as for work well it's a local parish council as a groundsman so hard work and dirty and sweaty, which is a nightmare in this heat in that area, sweat and biopsy don't mix well, HR is virtually non existent so it's playing by ear as it's all decided by councillors, got a month of sick left which isn't going to do it so need the diagnoses so I don't lose my home, got no savings and live month to month which is now really hard, still, got to think tomorrow's another day and not tomorrow will never come, thank you for your very kind words, hope you troubles aren't to bad, it's good to know people help each other in times like this, thank you,x

  • Hi buttofalljokes, 

    oh bless ya well you have come to the right place for a chat, never feel alone we are all hear for each other, as all gone or going through the same. 

    I know it’s hard but please try not to let things get to you, you have to be strong, and have a positive mind set, have you been given a McMillan nurse yet? If you have phone them and find out what going on, and try and get some answers to any questions although like I said In my first message they wasn’t great with things like telling me what my staging was, but brilliant at getting an appointment much quicker.

    please anytime you want a chat or ask questions we are here for you take care

    Laura x

  • Is it the most team or colorectal team I need to speak to as I haven't been given Macmillan nurse yet didn't know about it, will chase that up, many thanks again for your kind words,. X

  • I have no idea but from the minute I was diagnosed, I had them ringing me to tell me what and when my next appointment was, might be a good idea to get contact your hospital and ask them to put you the to the McMillan nurses in the hospital x x

  • I've got to call later today to chase biopsy2 so will ask then, not sure I will get one yet though with no diagnosis, will try, x