Vaginal itching

  • 10 replies
  • 44 subscribers


I'm and a 3 weeks post treatment and for 2 and a half weeks the pain and healing has been very painful.. but now as well as piles I have such an itching in my privates.. similar to thrush but without the discharge..

Has anyone else experienced this and did you use anything or just let it clear up by itself..

Thanks for your time..

  • Hi Squeak 

     I don't recall having itching there, but I did have some itching as my burns healed, so maybe your skin was damaged in that area and its healing . If you are worried though contact the hospital and check. Sending hugs. Xx

  • Hi Squeak , 

    Hoping you’re over the worse now ! I had horrible itching   , I found washing my self with cool water , taking Piriton Antihistamine and Aveena cream helped . Anusol cream  helped with the itchiness of my piles . 
    It has improved with healing but I’m two months post treatment and still get an itchy anus from time to time especially if I get hot , but it’s not as intense as it was early on . 
    Hope you find some relief soon ! 
    Best wishes 

    Sharon x

  • Thank you.. i will take some antihistamine .. and slap on the lotions.. I think maybe it's due to me using sudacrem..think maybe it's dried the area out too much..

    • The itching is driving me insane..


  • Hi Squeak , 

    Just to say , I found the Anusol drying so I rubbed Aveena around as well , or alternated the creams . X

  • Squeak

    One of the things I was fortunate not to have was itching but others have and I see you have already been pointed towards antihistamines as they have proved quite effective.  I hope you find some relief, I have had itching on other occasions and it drove me mad.

    Irene xx

  • Hi Squeak hope you're doing well

    It could be just the healing of skin but when I spoke to my nurse about this sensation she reminded me about hair loss in thee treatment area. If the hair is currently falling out or starting to try and grow back it can be really itchy and uncomfortable. I personally found antihistamine and a waterwipe from the fridge helped sooth the feeling.

    Best of luck!

  • Hi  ,

    I’d also advise trying an antihistamine & lots of moisturiser, I found once my skin had healed a simple aqueous cream (aquamax) was all that I needed, I also only ever used this to wash with as everything else even un-perfumed products irritated my new skin. Hopefully you’ll find it’s just part of the healing process & it’ll settle down soon. 


  • I had/still have this I think it’s probably a mixture of things on my part (sensitive skin/eczema/allergies for contact dermatitis with lots of additives/ingredients in topical creams) the tissue is still healing I’m sure, but unfortunately for me I think it’s going to take a while (I’m 4 months post treatment) it’s from burning/stinging red to itchy and angry. I’ve tried lots of creams (no antihistamines) and the treatment team are aware but it is super frustrating some days as it’s all the way from front to back :/

    having said all of that I think my experience is not the norm for most x good luck with healing up


  • Hi Squeak, I used domeboro powders purchased on Amazon. A sachet dissolved in a jug of warm water and put a small flannel in and wring out and place on the itchy parts really helped me through the itchy times. I also as said on here took antihistamines.


  • Hi x may help seeing a Urogynea consultant as I had bad itching then super dry which was so painful - after lots of asks for help I now have estriol stronger cream applied twice daily xx much better after a week x now use for ever x