Argon oil during treatment

  • 7 replies
  • 42 subscribers

I’ve seen a lot of people on here mention using coconut oil on their burns, but has anyone used Argon oil?

I bought some the other day mistakingly thinking it was coconut oil, I’ve read up on it and it states that it’s good for inflammation and burns. 

  • Hi Mix

    I only used the creams approved by my hospital. I would ask your medical team if its OK as different hospitals seem to ok different things. I used epsom salts in the bath and was told to stop by my hospital but other people's hospitals didn't have an issue with them. Xx

  • Hi  , 

    I only used creams supplied by my treating team during my treatment. I would run it by your team. I was on a range of supplements & took them in to run by my oncologist prior to starting my treatment & was advised to stop a couple of them until treatment was done so it’s always worth mentioning anything you’re contemplating using. 

    Sorry I couldn’t be of more help. 


  • Hello Mix

    I can't help either I'm afraid, I was told not to use anything before treatment sessions that could interfere with the radiotherapy.

    But you could run the use of Argon oil past your treating team; as it has been pointed out different hospitals have different protocols and they may tell you to go ahead as long as you don't have any trace on prior to a radiotherapy session. 

    Have you started treatment yet?  I do hope everything is going well for you.

    Irene xx

  • Hi Mix,

    I don't know anything about argon oil. To be honest, I am still a little confused about what I can and cannot do during treatment (I am scheduled to start February 24). Next week will be a big week for me with a lot of educational appointments and a port placement, but I will be thinking about you and wishing you a smooth beginning to treatment. Keep us posted!

  • Hi Poppydays2 

    Noticed you said you are having a port placement, if this is a picc line for your chemotherapy a good buy is a thing called a limbo sleeve for showering to keep everything dry. Xx

  • Hi Bungle1,

    It's actually a chest port, so I don't know what they'll suggest for showering, but thank you for thinking of me! 

  • Hi Poppydays2 

    I had a quick look online and the chest ones seem to be like a giant plaster as such sealed at all the edges. X