Anal Cancer New Treatments

  • 2 replies
  • 40 subscribers

Hi All

sun is shining which makes you feel a bit better doesn’t it.  I have just watched a YOUTUBE video from two doctors who specialise in Anal Cancers talking about a new treatment using radio frequency which apparently turns back the clock on removing precancerous cells in the anus. This video is a year old and I have never heard of it. They did say the traditional method is very successful but any new treatment that involves less side effects I am all for future Anal Cancer sufferers. It is called ANAL CANCER BREAKTHROUGH BY DR HAMISH URQUHART.

just wouldn’t it be great to have treatment that doesn’t impact the sphincter muscles that unfortunately I do have to a minor effect. My anal muscles find it difficult to open first thing in the morning as every thing is tight. It must be all those pelvic floor exercises I was told to do! During the day I am usually fine but diet and lots of water is involved. Does anyone else have this?


  • Julie

    Thank you for this - and yes, treatment that doesn't affect the sphincter muscles would be amazing!  Too late for me but it goes to show how treatment is progressing all the time and anything that helps the newly diagnosed is wonderful.

    Irene xx

  • OMG Julie, that's fascinating! I've got the video bookmarked so I don't forget where it is.

    Why isn't this being talked about? I've never heard of this either! And I gather it's most effective when done as the first option, before chemoradiology. 

    Thanks for this info!
