Painful bottom

  • 13 replies
  • 40 subscribers

I'm sure I saw on here someone saying they had a flare up of very sensitive skin on bottom after being finished treatment for a while! The same thing is happening to me after two years, I can hardly bear to sit for long! I've always just used E45 or Sudocrem but have suddenly become allergic to lanolin, which is in both!

Any suggestions would be so great,

Moira x

  • Hello Moira

    Nicola told me about QV cream and I bought a huge container of it on Amazon, and after a shower, every time I use the loo, and if I am just feeling a bit tender I put on loads, front to back - it has been a game changer for me!

    Worth a try if you haven't used it before, this was better for me than the (extremely expensive)  Aloe Vera cream that I was given by the team treating me.

    Hope you find something, you have my sympathy,

    Irene xx

  • Thank you so much Irene, I'll go and 9rder some from Amazon right now! I'm getting desperate!

    Moira xx

  • Is it QV Intense Ointment Irene?

  • Hi Moira ( ),

    I would get flare-ups of the sore skin for quite a while, not to the point of affecting me from sitting etc., but it would flare every now & again, I still only wash with aquamax cream (similar to QV cream) as anything else causes a mild burning sensation, if my skin feels a bit irritated I plaster it on especially before bedtime & it seems to do the trick. Aquamax cream is SLS, paraben & lanolin free, it’s also fragrance free. I hope you find something that helps. 


  • No, just the QV Moisture cream.  I must admit I didn't notice they did an intense version, I just bought a large tub of the moisture cream, my husband has been dipping in to it too for his rough elbows!

    Irene xx

  • Thank you Irene, I'll send for that straight away! Its the same in here, it's either my husband or one of my son's, visiting, who use my stuff!

    Take care,

    Moira xx

  • Hi Nicola,

    My bottom is really sore but there's nothing there to make it so! No hard skin or sores or anything! I don't want to go to the GP with a sore bum! Sometimes it goes numb, I was told by the colorectal nurse that was normal, but that was in the early days, it's over 2 years now! Saying that, I do spend the majority of the day sitting, my hip replacement surgery is scheduled for 14th June so maybe things will improve after that! I'll try the Aquamax cream and the QV and see which one suits me best!

    Thanks again,

    Moira x

  • Hi again Moira ( ), I remember even up until my most recent check-up this time last year my surgeon has sometimes mentioned that my skin has looked a little rashy even though it’s felt fine to me! He also told me early on when I was getting more regular bleeding when I went to the loo that the radiated skin will never be the same as my skin prior to radiation. I think it has toughened up a bit over time but is still pretty sensitive especially to anything even the slightest bit perfumed, I’m always aware of buying plain toilet paper etc., as there’s so many on the market now that contain other things like balms etc., they all contain perfume & I can tell the difference if I’ve used them!

    When you think of someone that has suffered burns to other parts of their bodies due to fire etc., they have to take special care of their scars for years to come moisturising etc., I treat my bottom the same way, I wash with the aquamax cream which leaves the skin moisturised & I use In between bathing if there’s any irritation at all. If my skin splits at all which is quite rare these days then I use sudocrem but other than that it’s just the aquamax. 

    Sending you lots of good luck wishes for your surgery on the 14th, I hope all goes well, keep us updated if you can, my mother-in-law had her hip done pre-pandemic & she was amazed, she was pain free & fully mobile again soon after. 


  • Hi Nicola,

    That's just how my bottom feels, BURNT! Which, of course, it is! I've used Simple shower gel since I've had my treatment, no soap, but even that's too harsh lately! When I had my stoma operation, I also had an abscess removed, the wound had to be packed and took ages to heal,! Then the nurses said it was healing to quickly! It's around there that the pain starts! My husband says it looks like the skin there is thicker but apart from that, no redness or anything! I feel like such a drama queen!

    Thanks for your good wishes for my upcoming operation, I'm terrified but looking forward to getting it done! One down, one to go! What with pain in my leg and pain in my bum, I'm a right misery,! 

    Take care,

    Moira x

  • Hi Three I and around your time at nearly two years post treatment. I spent some time at my daughters the week before last whilst my husband was away and due to change of food I felt slightly constConfoundedated and my normal toileting routine had changed and when I returned home I had a skin tag from the operation before treatment flare up and was so sore. You start worrying don’t you. I called my hoConfoundedital team and my oncologist is going to see me next week rather than I wait until August. On top of that I now have a bladder infection so I too have been pretty miserable Confounded. I am hoping all is okay and worrying over nothing but things can easily send us in a spiral of doom.