Some happy news

  • 20 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hello all, 

Just had all clear scans at one year post treatment for Stage III T4 N2 M0. Just thought I’d share for all those about to start treatment or in treatment and to all those lovely people that have been holding my hand virtually on here this past year. 

Feeling utterly elated. I know I have a way to go and it’s been a bumpy ride (understatement!!’) but a huge relief to hear those words. No evidence of Disease (NED). 

Hope everyone else is doing ok Two hearts

PPR xx 

  • Great news Prettypinkroses! It makes that tough journey worthwhile. Those who are as you say starting or are going through treatment will get great comfort from your news. X


  • Phew!  What wonderful news after all your worry - now go and celebrate! x

  • Wonderful news, so happy for you! x

  • Hi  this is such good news! I hope you can do something special to celebrate. Thank you for posting it really does help to hear outcomes like this. Bev. X

  • So happy for you Prettypinkroses what a relief it must be for you. 

    So good to hear a positive story for people like me who have just finished treatment.

    I am now five weeks after treatment and had the worry of my liver enzyme levels being high for a few weeks so I had to have an ultra sound scan. I was luckily told immediately after the scan that all was fine no sign of anything and my blood test last week showed the levels had dropped so oncologist said would have been due to the chemo tablets. Phew worry over for now!

    Be happy and enjoy life 

    Carole x

  • Hello 

    Congratulations on finishing your treatment! I can promise light at the end of the tunnel. You’re in the thick of it now and soon you’ll start to come out the other side. 

    It is hard to explain it to anyone unless they’ve been through it. Everything is magnified. Everything is a worry. It’s the unknown I think and then the worry that you no longer trust your own body or instincts. Don’t worry that will come back. Plus our cancer has an embarassing side effects that make it so very hard to share! At times I just wanted to lock myself away, even from my husband. All dignity seemed lost but I just had to keep reminding myself that living was FAR more important than a loss of a bit of dignity for a while!! 

    I couldn’t finish my chemo as my liver got in a tizzy! (But I did all my radiation sessions) So that worried me too! But my onco promised me it would be ok and he was right! Trust the process, do only what you can and be kind to yourself. 

    There is no quick way through this, you just have to let it all happen and know that soon it will soon be done and you’ll be on the road to recovery. Even a year later I still tire a bit more easily but I feel on top of the world. Genuinely. It actually has made me a better person. So as crazy as it might be and sound, it has made me take a step back and I appreciate life so very much more. 

    And we are always here to help and answer any thing we can.

    Please all new people and even people who pop in and out, ask us anything. We have been through it all. Nothing can shock or embarrass us. We have walked that mile in your shoes and one of us will have had whatever it is your going through so please, however embarrassed or reticent you feel… just ask! 

    Wishing you health and a speedy recovery Heart️‍ 

    much love

    PPR xx 

  • Hi Prettypinkroses

    Thank you so much for your lovely uplifting reply.  I don't know how I would have got through the last 3 months without the help of this forum - noone else can understand how we feel. 

    I totally agree with wanting to hide away I seem to spend a lot of my time just laid on my bed as its comfiest place to be.  I am on holiday in ,Northumberland with my family this week and finding it very tiring but still so good to be away at the seaside.  I had a paddle in the sea yesterday and it made me cry as in the summer waiting for my scan results and diagnosis I didnt think I would see the sea again I had expected the worst after being misdiagnosed for so long. 

    The side effects are embarrassing and I am so glad we have ensuite rooms on holiday I spend so long on the loo its my second home! I'm gradually healing down below but by heck does it itch and blooming painful opening my bowels!  I'm managing trips to the beach but timed by how long before I need the loo so worrying I may have an accident!  But i'm on holiday and alive never thought that would happen so life is good and getting better!

    Next week I have a ticket to the theatre booked months ago and I actually think I may be able to sit and manage without loo until interval - what an achievement if I do!

    Thank you so much for your words you've inspired me to keep going.  I just love this forum and all the help I have received. 

    With love Carole x

  • If you don’t have any, ask your GP for some “Instillagel” come in boxes of 10 syringes. Ask for a coupe of boxes.

    They are ready prepared anaesthetic syringes and are a godsend to use when you know you’re going to have a painful bowel movement. I keep a box in the bathroom and you literally just syringe a bit inside (it has a gentle spout that is easy to insert) and all around the painful bits. Takes a couple of mins to take effect and you can use as much as you need. It really works!  You only need a small amount so one syringe can be used a few times  

    You can also use as a topical anaesthetic on sore bits as and when you have them. So, sore patches of skin or haemorrhoids, if you have the HPV virus on sores etc

    You can also buy them so if you’re in holiday for a few days pop into Boots or another chemist and they’ll either have some or order next day for you. 

    We use it for all sorts now, it’s fantastic stuff!

    Also, for anyone who is frightened to go out in case of an accident or if you can’t quite make it in time and it’s putting you off doing things. I gave in and bought myself some adult Tena Silhouette pants. At first I felt like my world as I knew it was ending (as if I hadn’t been through enough embarrassing things). But do you know what, the peace of mind it gives me to know that I’ll be fine if caught short (never have been yet ) is worth it and absolutely no one can tell. Honestly! And it won’t be forever just whilst things are still healing etc. 

    Have a lovely holiday!

    PPR xx 

    link to Instillagel..

  • Hi Prettypinkroses,

    Thank you so much for recommending the Instillagel definitely getting some!  Also the Tena pants for the times I am out and worried won't make it - like you say for peace of mind.  

    Carole xxTwo hearts