Cycling post treatment

  • 10 replies
  • 40 subscribers

Does anyone have any experience of coming back to using a bicycle after finishing treatment? 

I’m 10 days post my 28 day cycle of chemoradiation after being diagnosed with T3 N1 M0 anal cancer. 


  • Hi Fuzzyfelt.

    Firstly congratulations on finishing your treatment. You are out the other side now and things will start to get better. As to bike riding , from my experience it is a bit early days yet. I had a similar staging to you and finished my treatment just before Christmas 2021. I started back on an exercise bike about February 2022) approx 6 weeks later) for 5 mins, managed to ride a horse and sit in a saddle by the April and going out for short (10k) bike rides . Everything was very fragile for a while , strangely the hardest part was probably getting on and off, lost some mobility in my hips, so swinging my leg over is hard, but maybe that’s just me. Obviously you will need appropriate underwear ( I still can’t wear normal knickers , are others the same?) and padded shorts. Good luck, getting back to exercise really helped my recovery ( and head) I think.

  • Thanks Pita,

    Great to hear positive stories. Have you managed to build up further distance since April? Did you find your old saddle OK or did you have to modify?

    I’ve started strength training and Pilates again this week after getting back to walking comfortably at the weekend. I know it’s one step at a time. 

  • Hi , congrats on getting so far.  One step at a time is a great attitude!

    Before anal cancer I had a damaged pudendal nerve & tried several saddles while working as a cycling instructor.  The one that helped me most was the Rido R2 Saddle which I bought in 2017, still sold by SJS for £50…

    It only delayed the inevitable, but along with an electric bike it gave me a final year of great experiences.  A couple of members here who also had treatment around 2020 went back to cycling, maybe they’ll see your post & reply.

    Best of luck  x  Toni 

  • Hi fuzzyfelt congratulations on finishing your treatment. I am back on my bike wearing padded cycling shorts but was unable to do that for at least five months after treatment. I am not saying that is the same for everyone of course and I could probably got on earlier if I had persevered. I am fifteen months and back to walking 5k most days. I am back to swimming and do aerobics twice a week (slowly I will add). I am determined to get my fitness back and you will to.

  • Thanks for the saddle recommendation Toni. 

    I too have considered an ebike to allow me to get back to riding with friends. 

    Sorry though to hear that it sounds like you are no longer able to ride. 

  • Great news to hear Jaycee that you are back to being so active. 

    I have managed three walks so far this week which is a miracle after being able to barely hobble from bed to bathroom last week

  •   Every time I saw someone ride an ebike their 1st time, they always had a huge smile - it’s fun!

    Before investing all that money though, you’d need to be confident it’d get fixed if something goes wrong - a local shop is ideal.  And whether you’re ok with spending a small fortune on a new battery every few years.

    Maybe take one for a test ride?  x  Toni 

  • Hi Fuzzyfelt!  

    Congratulations on getting through this journey!  There is hope.  I am two years out of treatment and can ride my road bike but only have gone 24 miles max.  I did buy an ebike as I wasn't ready to get on my road bike at first.  It is extremely fun but didn't want to sell my road bike as my goal was to ride it again.  I wear padded shorts (always did) but now lots of "Chamois Butt'r".  I do get uncomfortable after an hour in the saddle.  I also have a Peloton which I ride and if it's a challenging ride, I feel more bloating in my abdominal area later.  I haven't found a balance with that and with core workouts.  Needless to say, my fitness level wasn't what it was pre-diagnosis and I do have issues but am going to keep working at it.

    Good luck!

  • Great to hear another positive story @Luvhotyoga. So good to hear you have got back on the road bike. Have you stuck with your standard saddle on the bike? 

  • I stayed with the same as it was nicely worn it.  I have a Specialized Roubiax road bike.  I couldn't find mine as it's about five years old but this one has similar contours.  Good luck and keep us posted on your success!

    Side note - I did do a 30 min peloton ride this morning with a climb and haven't done that all summer as walked and swam but I felt abdominal pressure afterwards and then had a runny stool.  Not sure if people have the same?  Still trying to work on my core as did a short core class before the ride.  It's a challenge but could be age and wine too:).