Anal Cancer

  • 4 replies
  • 40 subscribers

Hi. In June, I had 3 weeks of Radio/Chemo Therapy. It was supposed to be 6 weeks but they injured my back on their machine, and as it went into spasm and I couldn't walk, I had to drop out at 3 weeks. I now have signs of another tumour. Has anyone else been in a similar position? Can I have more treatment?

  • Hi lady’s smock sorry to hear about your back. As you have already started your treatment you should have been given a telephone number of contact for your treatment team. They will be able to give you the information you require and will be well aware of what is happening. Sorry I cannot tell you what they would do but am sure they have it in hand what your next step will be. Please call them to put your mind and rest.

  • Hi ,

    I’m really sorry to hear of the issue with your back on top of everything else you have going on. Can I ask did your treating team advise that you should stop treatment when your injury happened? If this was the case then they should have really explained the implications of this fully to you & given you explanations of a plan moving forward. Have you been checked out, rectal examination, scans etc., & told your original tumour is still present or you have a new one? I think it would be wise if you asked to have s frank & honest conversation with your treating team on steps moving forward as soon as possible. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help. 


  • I am concerned that you haven't been followed up at all; in your shoes I would telephone your consultant's secretary to find out what happens next and don't give up until you get an answer.  I am sorry I don't know how interrupted treatment works, but the team treating you should be able to tell you.  I do hope your back has healed now, please come back and let us know how you get on.

  • Hi I am sorry to hear about your difficulties. As you  have signs of another tumour, you should be offered an urgent appointment. If you have problems with your treating team in terms of receiving a proper explanation as to why treatment had to be stopped or a delay in receiving an appointment please connect with the Patient And Advisory Service (PALS) team at your treating hospital. They can contact your treating team on your behalf. Bev