Sitting for long periods

  • 14 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Hi everyone

I am 15 months out of treatment and doing really well, bowel function practically normal (apart from the clear jelly discharge that still exercises visitation rights) but hardly have pain going to the toilet.   But I often feel like my back passage is swollen, or like I have a stick up my butt, and when I sit down for long periods, as in 8 hrs, for my job, I get pain, varying from nagging to very uncomfortable. Have also had some pain if I walk more than usual, or swim a lot.  

How is everyone else who a while out of treatment finding pain?  And exercise, but especially sitting?

  • Hi   you sound to be doing pretty well-I too share the jelly like discharge but mine comes in differing colours.  Whilst I don't get a feeling that my back passage is swollen, I do still get pain there and I'm 3 years on now. This seems to be quite a common experience. It feels raw sometimes and tingly, especially where the tumour used to be. It has been quite painful recently, like a cut at the old tumour site and has hurt when I've walked. However, at my check up last week I was examined and there were no problems found. I was told that due to the stenosis (anal canal narrowing), the lining can tear and this is what causes these pains.  For peace of mind I would mention this at your next check up. Bev x

  • Thanks Bev, that makes me feel better.  I too have had that cut feeling a few times recently, so that;'s explained it for me.  I guess i just have to try not to sit too long but yes will mention at my next checkup.  It's not until November, just have annual scans and 6 monthly checks, is that what you have?  I do feel like i am doing really well, so pleased I had the treatment, most of the worries I had haven't materialised.  My hips are a bit stiff and sticky at times, but hopefully swimming regularly will help.

  • Bev, you made me feel better too! A little blue that the bad days still happen even years out, but more time between bad days will still be a win.


  • Hi  glad to be of help! So, some areas do things differently in terms of scans & check ups after treatment. In my area I had Digital  Rectal Examinations (DRE’s) every 3 months for the first 2 years. They were then every 6 months until, I believe, I reach the 5 year point. Pelvic MRI scans were done at 3, 6 and 12  months post treatment. I then had a pelvic MRI scan 2 years post treatment. I had CT lung and liver scans at 12 months , 2 and 3 years post treatment. As I am now 3 years post treatment, I will not be having any further scans unless there’s any cause for concern. Others on this site have reported different scanning patterns in other geographical areas. Bev x

  • Hi Bev looking at your post I wanted to say my experience of scans and check ups. I am nearly 14 months post treatment and have been having physical check ups every four months. Still waiting for my 12 month MRI pelvic scan. The oncologist agreed that even though I am on the waiting list at Addenbrookes I am probably not seen as urgent and keep being moved down the list. Don’t they think it might not be urgent for them but to us it very much is. JULIE

  • Hi I totally agree that it is urgent to us. This must be so worrying for you. Would you feel able to chase this up with the Oncological Secretary and see if there's any way of it being pulled forward? Someone said on here a while ago that it's the squeaky wheel that gets the oil. This shouldn't be the case but I'm afraid sometimes things have to be chased and chased before any action is forthcoming! Bev x

  • ps as the scans are a vital part of the surveillance process following cancer treatment,  I’m not sure they should be classed as ‘non-urgent’.  Hope you receive a date as soon as possible. Bev x

  • Hi ,

    I agree with Bev in the fact that these scans are a vital part of our 5 year surveillance & I would be making a complete nuisance of myself until a date was given for said scan!! What criteria do you need to meet to be classed as urgent these days I wonder? I’m afraid the pandemic & the delays it caused cannot be an excuse forever. I should have had an appointment 6 months after seeing my orthopaedic consultant October 2020 & I’m still waiting, I should have been seen last Wednesday & I had a phone call lunchtime on the Tuesday cancelling again! it’s disgraceful. Keep pestering them & let us know how you get on, I hope you get a date soon. 


  • Hi Nicola and Bev. 
    Finally I have a date for my scan which is near two months overdue.  I was surprised to see I am down for a CT scan and not a MRI scan. Why on the say the CT scans are not as effective exposing cancer? I’m wondering if it’s down to cost as CT scans are cheaper. What are your thoughts. Julie 

  • Hi Jaycee I am just 12 months from finishing treatment saw my oncologist 4 weeks ago said I was going to have a ct scan and have heard nothing  and my next appointment to see him would be 4 months  received my appointment letter but wont be seeing him till next March  funny 4 months