Side effects

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  • 43 subscribers

Hi peeps I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice/answers please? It’s a bit personal/sensitive but in a nutshell I’ve basically got 3 more radiotherapy sessions to go then I’ve had my 5.5 weeks of it ! When does the soreness and burning feeling go from around my bum and lady garden as I’m in so much discomfort with it I could cry 

please help me 

Bev x

  • I found that things got better 3 weeks after the treatment stopped. I got flamegel from my doctor where treatment stopped. Ask if you can take cranberry tablets. The 2 weeks after were the worst for me but it passes. You will get through it drink plenty fluid and rest.

  • They have given me flaminal hydro gel which was working but now it doesn’t seem to help at all ! I’m so glad to know it will ease soon as at the minute it’s unbearable! I am wondering if it’s me just being mard or if everyone else went through the same? Thank you so much for replying x

  • Hi Bev you are starting to get to the very uncomfortable effects of the treatment and can fully empathise with you. I am a year post treatment and did use a very expensive  gel called StrataXRT during the radiotherapy which helped my skin externally but did have dreadful discharge (green) from inside which was normal but if others get that I advise to just get it checked out. What I found that helped during the real burning and itching days was a product called domeboro medicated rash soak. This was okayed by my medical team. I received 12 sachets of the powder which you put one in a pint of cool or warm water and soak a soft flannel in it, wring and then place it on your privates and lay back for about 15/30 minutes. I found these took the itching away for a while and soothing. You can purchase online. When I finished treatment I felt the full impact of treatment and when you don’t have the daily commute to the hospital everyday it really helps to be able to concentrate on getting better. Some on here said they turned a point around two weeks after the treatment stopped. I took about four weeks and took in the benefits of oromorph and paracetamol and ibuprofen alternating the tablets. My team insisted I didn’t resort into the be brave mantra and not take pain relief when I needed it and would not get dependent on the morphine. As soon as I had the pain under control I stopped. There is light at the end of the tunnel after what our bodies have endured and you just have to be kind to yourself. I couldn’t put any silver based cream or honey based cream on the sore skin so some of the creams administered from my hospital didn’t help. Towards the end I tried a baby allergy free Vaseline on my bits and found that suited me. Lots of bath soaks and loose clothes help and I bought the real baggy harem trousers which were great!  The good thing is, is it’s not for too long and wish you the very best for the next coming weeks in your recovery.

  • Thank you so much Blush this is very helpful I will look into some of the creams etc mentioned I’m also glad to know it’s not just me and things will improve all be it slowly 

    thanks again xx

  • Hi Bev, you're a warrior! I DID cry! A lot. The end of treatment and first few weeks of recovery were one of the worst periods of my life.

    My oncology team only offered one cream, a formulated ointment called Butt Paste that sounded perfect but set my poor nether region into a frantic boil of rash and itching and burning. The only thing my tortured butt could tolerate is a thick pink paste called Calmoseptine. I don't know if it's available in the UK, though. It was recommended by a friend, bless her, because my cancer folks have shockingly few tools in their bag o' tricks.

    Hang in there! It DOES get better!

  • Hi Bev. I'm with you all the way my friend! The burns caused an immediate reaction 3 days prior to finishing radiotherapy and happened over the weekend (no doctor input!)

    After crying down the toilet I decided to do some research myself to try and make it easier. I use a jug of tepid water which is poured over my "lady bits" whilst weeing. It helps enormously and makes you feel more like a warrior and less like a victim! I use the shower head (on low) to clean any debris (left from burns) and then use a cool hairdryer to dry myself prior to applying Flaminal Hydro which acts as a barrier cream (helps to prevent burning sensation). I wrap and protect my injuries with Polymem (cushions against rough clothing) and soothes too!

    The Sitz bowl sounds promising and I will be ordering it asap! Please forward any ideas,clues or relief giving actions?

    Good luck with brain/emotional control! 

  • When I was getting towards the end of my treatment and bowel movements etc were becoming very uncomfortable I cam on here for all sorts of advice and one of them was singing during sitting on the toilet. Well if you ever heard me sing you would ask me not to! But I would sit on the loo and sing loudly in my head and really try and concentrate on the singing and it helped distract from some of the pain. It really worked for me. It sounds silly but I also used to do it whilst I was laying in the radiotherapy machine to pass the time and by the time I sang it the 15mins was nearly up. Julie

  • It's ok I did as well in the loo I sang the poo song any song but just with the words poo poo silly but it helped 

  • Thank you everyone I am trying to carry on with a brave face but it’s so difficult it’s a week today since my last radiotherapy and all I can say is the swelling seems to be going down a bit ! Now uConfoundedortunately I’m suffering with constipation Confounded so taking some laxatives to try to help me! Did/does anyone else seem to loose blood and have a lot of weeping from the bottom? I’m just hoping this is worth all the soreness discomfort and pain as I can still feel “lumps” is this normal? Sorry about all the questions! 
    Also has it made you very emotional I’m up and down at the minute I’ve got so much going on in my life right now I can’t see the “happy ending” if that makes sense it seems to be one thing after another for my family and myself at the minute xxx

  • My consultant told me the radiation can carry on working for some time after treatment finished. Speak to the nurse regards constipation I tried a few things before settling on ducuease. I had bleeding but this stopped when constipation died down